Ordinary meeting of Senaki GAC was devoted to the evaluation results of gender needs, which was held by the members of the GAC in May. With what target groups was the research conducted, what gender needs were identified, what conclusions and recommendations may be made according the answers of the respondents – the GAC members presented short reports of conducted research.
The GAC members mentioned that the participants were very satisfied by the meeting format as they had opportunity to express their opinion and discuss problematic issues. Respondents express a will to held similar meetings more often.
It was decided that the following meeting will be devoted to elaboration of recommendations for local 2016 budget.
The meeting also discussed preparation work for the forum – presentation of the results in frames of the project “Civil education for establishing gender equality and healthy environment in pre-school educational premises of Senaki Municipality”.
The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality