The projectof the fund “Sukhumi” funded by Czech NGO “IndependentSocial-economical movement” “Nesehnuti”, was finished. Summarizing round table was very interesting, attended by representatives of “Kutaisi Kindergarten Unity”, managers of kindergartens, teachers and members of Sakrebulo, GAC the Club of Voter Women.
The attendants were given information regarding project activities: informational meetings in kindergartens, meetings with, meetings with parliament member – GubazSanikidze and the Mayor – Shota Murgulia, radio and TV programs. They were familiarized with gender policy elaborated by Gender Advisory Council. There were suggestions and recommendations addressing local self-government.
According to participants, each recommendation, which will be envisaged in the next year budget, will be a step forward.
The project is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization
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