Women Initiative Groups (112)

Women Initiative Group is a group of women, created in 2016 to prevent crisis and conflict situations, to advocate and solve local social problems related to the human security of women. The groups are established in Khoni, Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality).

For the identification of conflict situations in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo and Zugdidi municipality (Khurcha and Koki), a survey was questionnaire.

The questionnaire aims to determine what kind of conflicts exist in local communities, for what reasons they arise, who are the parties to the conflict, and what they do in conflict situations.

As a result of the analysis of the questionnaires, conflict situations will be identified in individual cities. Then, together with the moderators, an action plan will be developed, the functions of the Women's Initiative Groups in the three cities will be determined: what should they do to manage crisis situations and resolve conflicts at an early stage.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

Work began actively in frames of the project "Earlier prevention of conflict - theory and practice".

Based on the project, the activists of the fund “SUkhumi” have already been selected, with experience in this direction. With their help, women's groups have been formed in Kutaisi and Tskaltubo, as well as in four villages of the Zugdidi municipality, which will work for the early resolution of conflicts.

There are 8 women in each group. They have already received information about the goals and objectives of the project. At the first stage, they will try to identify conflict situations in different communities.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

Since January, the Fund "Sukhumi" began to work in the project "Early prevention of conflict - theory and practice". The project is three-year, and aims to early prevention of crisis situations in society and the expected conflicts.

Geographical area covers two cities - Kutaisi and Tskaltubo, as well as the villages bordering Abkhazia: Khurcha, Koki, Orsantia, Ganmukhuri.

In frames of the project, three Women's Initiative Groups will operate. The project includes information meetings in different communities, identification of conflict situations and preventive measures.

It is planned to publish a research and presentation to inform the public about early conflict resolution.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


The women's initiative group of Tskaltubo actively joined the International Campaign "16 active days against gender-based violence". Information meetings were held in the villages of Tskaltubo municipality: Tskhunkuri, Gumbrini, Kvilishori.

Representatives of local self-government were actively involved in the campaign. As the moderator notes, the attitude of society in comparison with the past years has changed. People of different generations say that woman's support is important to the family. The society and the state should take special care of her. Violence against women is evil and should not happen.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


The representative of the Kvinna till Kvinna in Georgia, Johanna Arkasen, visited the fund “Sukhumi” and attended the information meeting of the Women's Initiative Group in the library of Kutaisi. The meeting was held within the framework of the International Campaign "16 active days against gender-based violence" and was attended by representatives of various groups of society. Participants focused on the facts of violence against women and discussed what should be done to make the woman feel safe.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Kutaisi Women Initiative Group of the Fund "Sukhumi" contributes to the 16-day information campaign against gender-based violence. Members of the group meet with representatives of the society, distribute information leaflets. The attitude of people of different generations is this: violence against women is a serious problem and work against it is the duty of every citizen.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Khoni Women Initiative Group of the fund “Sukhumi” is actively involved in the campaign against gender-based violence. Members of the group held information meetings with representatives of various structures of the local municipality, distributed information leaflets. Local authority express protest against violence, as well as their readiness, to cooperate actively with the fund “Sukhumi” for carrying out preventive measures.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Soon Sakrebulo of a new convocation will meet in Tskaltubo. It is gratifying that the moderator of women's initiative group Latavra Bendeliani became a deputy of Sakrebulo. According to the members of the group, this is a good factor in order to introduce women's problems in Sakrebulo and get the necessary support.

At the meeting of Tskaltubo Women's Initiative Group it was noted that the project is coming to an end, but they will continue to work, as there are many problems that can be solved at the local level. 

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


The moderator of Khoni Women Initiative Group began a meeting with pleasant information: in the city, in several places the municipal government started the arrangement of squares. This question was initiated by the initiative group after noting the lack of public squares in the city.

Members of the initiative group decided to join the International Campaign "16 active days against violence against women".

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


On November 8, members of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group gathered in the Fund “Sukhumi”. Participants discussed with what activities they will join the campaign of 16 active days against violence against women.

Informational meetings with different groups of society, agitation against violence is the main line of activity.

Meetings were planned with representatives of local self-government. They noted that getting acquainted with the new authorities that came after the election and inclusion in the campaign will increase the prospects for cooperation.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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