Round Tables (54)

Round table - meetings, discussions or advocacy of certain problems. Round table - this type of activity also plays an informational and propagandistic role and serves as a tool for developing concrete solutions.

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Fund "Sukhumi" organized a round table on the topic "Responding to the facts of domestic violence and violence prevention - the role and practice of the educational sphere." The meeting was attended by teachers and school directors from the municipalities of Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Terjola, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Tsageri, Khoni, Samtredia.

The participants listened to the results of the research of the Fund "Sukhumi", then the audience joined the format of discussion. The participants voiced their positions: how the school reacts to the problem of violence, what is the current practice and experience, what is done for creation of a safe school model, how much educational training are necessary. The speakers also drew attention to the problems that have arisen during the Covid pandemic.

“The school, parent and society, in cooperation with the non-governmental sector, will be able to overcome the existing challenges”, - this is the general attitude of the participants.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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The Fund "Sukhumi" organized a round table on the topic "Violence Prevention and Victim Protection - social cooperation referral entities" in Senaki sakrebulo.

The meeting was attended by the members of Sakrebulo Gender Equality Council and representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Using the example of Senaki municipality, the participants talked about the situation regarding victim protection and identified the prospects for social cooperation. During their speeches, it was repeatedly announced that the low level of cooperation and coordination between referral subjects still remains

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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The Fund "Sukhumi" organized a round table with participation of referral subjects in Sakrebulo of Terjola municipality. The participants discussed the effectiveness of services for the assistance of violence victims, in which direction it is necessary to strengthen the work of the referrals.

In the speeches of the participants, it was announced that the low level of cooperation and coordination between referral subjects still remains a challenge. The meeting was attended by local referrals: top officials of the legislative and executive authorities of local self-government, representatives of various services, staff of the criminal police, school teachers and representatives of the medical sphere.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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Fund “Sukhumi” organized a round table with participation of referral subjects in Khoni municipality. The participants discussed how effective are the services in terms of assistance to violence victim, as well as in which direction should be the work of referral subjects strengthened.

The participants have repeatedly mentioned that the low level of cooperation and coordination still remains a challenge.

According to common position it is essential to strengthen local self-government, to introcude new initiatives in prevention of domestic violence and assistance to the victim.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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A round table on: “Victim Assistance Services and Their Effectiveness” was held in the village Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha Municip[ality) in frames of the project “GREWS – Gender Responsive Early Warning System”. Participants heard information about existing services. The discussion showed how effective the available services are, what kind of assistance needs to be implemented so that the victim feels safe and secure.

Participants also spoke about a lack of information. According to them, the rural population should be even more informed about the services in order to use them in case of necessity.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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A round table on: “Victim Assistance Services and Their Effectiveness”, initiated by the Women’s Initiative Group of Kutaisi was held in the Fund “Sukhumi” office.

- How informed is the population about the existing services, whom they address for the assistance, the introduction of which mechanisms will be more effective - during the discussion, the emphasis was placed on these issues.

Participants received information on monitoring, conducted by the Fund “Sukhumi” on the topic of violence. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a lawyer of the shelter were invited to the meeting, who introduced the participants to the structures of services and how to use them.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

Round table in Koki

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Women Initiative Group of the Fund “Sukhumi” organized a round table in the village Koki (Zugdidi municipality). Participants heard information about the results of the survey, conducted on the topic of violence. They discussed the level of public awareness about services for the assistance of violence victims and access to them.

The meeting highlighted that domestic violence is especially relevant on conflict separation line. It is important to study the needs of the victims living in the villages of this zone and the availability of appropriate government programs.

The meeting was held in frames of the project “GREWS – Gender Responsive Early Warning System”.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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- How informed is the society about the victim support services, whom to address in case of violence, how the existing services respond to the needs of the victim – these issues were discussed at a round table in Tskaltubo. The meeting was organized by Tskaltubo Women's Initiative Group.

The participants got acquainted with the results of monitoring conducted by the Fund “Sukhumi” on the topic of violence.

The round table was held in frames of the project “GREWS – Gender Responsive Early Warning System”.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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Members of the Fund “Sukhumi” Women Initiative Group held round table meetings with the population. The first meeting was held in the community of the village Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality). The participants got acquainted with the primary data of the monitoring conducted on the topic of domestic violence.

- How actual is the problem of violence in the village near the conflict separation line, what information does the population have, whom to contact in case of violence - the discussion was held on these issues.

The participants mentioned that lack of information, territorial distance, lack of finances are the serious factors in the process of addressing. 

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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Fund "Sukhumi" completed a cycle of round tables. The last, ninth round table was held in the meeting room of Lanchkhuti City Hall. The meeting was attended by representatives of local government, medical and educational sectors, the police, and the Social Services Agency.

The main topic of the meeting was violence against women / domestic violence. During active discussions, the problem of insufficient communication between referral mechanisms was mentioned, and recommendations for improvement of cooperation were developed.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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