The Women's Fund "Sukhumi" launched a new campaign about gender disinformation with the slogan "Embrace the truth, reject gender disinformation."

As part of the campaign, we run an Instagram page called womenfundsukhumi. You can follow us and read our informative posts, particularly about what gender disinformation is and the myths and stereotypes that exist.

Follow us on Instagram -

And on TikTok -


In May, interesting work was going on in all six courses (Georgian language, English, acting, photography and videography, polymer clay modeling, embroidery).

A new group of photo and video shoots was completed at the end of May. In May, a new modeling group started training. Children are very talented and have unusual vision, imagination, and skills. Maxim Belov, for example, creates incredible characters that he invents himself.

Participants in Georgian and English language courses are gradually improving their results. They read well, pronounce specific sounds, make sentences, and conduct dialogues.

In May, the psychologist also worked actively, according to plan. Conversations were held with children on the following topics: predicting feelings, managing emotions, empathy, etc. 9 group and 10 individual meetings were held.

The main thing that the project serves is a friendly atmosphere that can be felt in all courses. Children help each other, worry when someone is sick....

On May 26, all children participated in an event dedicated to the Day of Independence of  Georgia. They presented their works made during the modeling and embroidery courses, as well as their drawings. And participants in acting art courses read poetry in Georgian.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN


May 26 – Independence Day of Georgia. The Women Fund “Sukhumi” organized a celebration of this day at the Hotel “Argo”. Everything was impressive: a greeting from the leaders of the organization, a documentary film about Georgia, a performance by the puppet theater “turtledove”, the dance studio “Oasis”, which was founded in Kutaisi by a Ukrainian woman, songs and dances performed by Ukrainian and Georgian children, a singer and composer from Kyiv, a poetess from Berdyansk , beautiful cakes for birthday girls.

All participants were awarded with certificates of gratitude.

Group of children (from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) take various courses at the fund “Sukhumi”. Photos were displayed in the foyer showing the work of all the courses, handmade things from polymer clay, the participants of the acting courses performed at the concert.

The event began with the Georgian national anthem and ended with the song “Mravaljamier”.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN

Women Fund “Sukhumi” hosted a meeting, which was attended by members of the initiative group involved in the project. These are women and girls from different IDP communities (former clinical hospital, former technical college and residential houses located on Shervashidze street No. 58).

The meeting participants are ready to share the knowledge and experience, gained at the trainings and meetings, with people living in their communities and start to solve existing problems.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

For successful advocacy

A working meeting was held at the office of the Women Fund "Sukhumi", which was attended by the members of the initiative group - IDPs from various collective centers of Kutaisi.

Group members try to use the skills acquired during the training and are motivated to solve their problems. According to them, the project empowered each participant and convinced them of their own abilities. All this is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the advocacy process.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Psychologist Manana Gotsiridze conducted rehabilitation sessions mainly online: 9 phone calls and 12 meetings on Internet platforms.

The work also took place in the office of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” - 10 psychotherapeutic consultations were held.

All beneficiaries received appropriate competent assistance, necessary information and advice. They were able to focus on the positive moments.

The psychologist actively worked in the rehabilitation center of the Fund “Sukhumi”, with three women and two children. Before leaving, one of them said: “I didn’t want to come here, but now I’m very happy. The center staff created a pleasant, warm family environment for us. A psychologist, a social worker, and a lawyer worked with us. My love for life, faith and joy returned to me. Thank you very much!"

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Meeting at the IDP Community Center

  • Saturday, 25 May 2024
  • 59 times

IDP Women and girls, members of the initiative group, attended a working meeting at Kutaisi IDP community center. They are informed about advocacy issues and will try to use their competence in practice to solve the problems of settlement.

The women noted: “The experience gained will help us to conduct successful advocacy with the relevant departments.”

“When I see a problem, I immediately begin to respond, prepare a letter, collect signatures and photographs, because I know that evidence will lead to success.”

“We have a letter with evidence, we will begin the advocacy process in a structured manner. Your support gives us more motivation. We hope you will help us when we face difficulties!”

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Working on new research

The monitoring group of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” started to work on a new research, the aim of which is to study the effectiveness of existing services for victims of violence against women/domestic violence and develop recommendations for improving efficiency in order to identify necessary strategies and new approaches.

Information will be collected on existing (and/or planned) services for victims of violence against women/domestic violence. The work of service providers will be presented, the attitudes, moods and expectations of recipients/beneficiaries of services will be studied. To find best practices in this regard, the monitoring team will review various documents.

In May, 10 in-depth interviews with beneficiaries were conducted, which made it possible to study the current situation in this regard based on specific cases.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Members of the youth group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality work on a new project - "We will find a way to each other's hearts!"  

The goal of the project is to support peace through art and youth activities, to raise civic awareness among young people and to actively involve them in the establishment of Georgian-Abkhazian relations.    The members of the group spoke to the schoolchildren about the project activities, announced an essay and drawing competition.

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