Main focus of Women Support Centers

  • Monday, 17 October 2022
  • 183 times

Violence against women, femicide, referral mechanisms and entities, authority of the child rights protection and support department in this process - these issues were discussed at information meetings initiated by the women support centers.

The main focus was on the work of children's departments operating in municipalities. It was mentioned that information on the work of the new department is not available to everyone. It was noted that it is necessary for teachers of kindergartens and schools to cooperate with this department, which will help to identify cases of violence and respond effectively.

The meetings were held in the women support centers of Senaki, Kobuleti, Bagdati, Zugdidi and Tkibuli.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Formation of new youth groups

From the beginning of October, the formation of new groups of youth empowerment centers began.

In Zugdidi, Terjola, Kobuleti, Senaki and Tkibuli, trainings were held on the topic of conflict management and violence prevention (only one of these meetings was held in online format).

Young people were involved in the work with great responsibility. This form of informal education was quite interesting and impressive for them. They are ready to show initiatives and conduct various activities before the next meeting.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The topic of the round table - femicide

The round table in Senaki City Hall of was attended by responsible officials of the City Hall, representatives of the health and social protection service, the department for the protection of children's rights and their support, the social service agency and the educational sector.

During the meeting, the participants talked about the alarming growth of the facts of femicide. The emphasis was placed on the problem of domestic violence and the prospect of cooperation with local structures.

It was noted that the local government is the unit of a referral mechanism for protection against violence - it has the authority and duty to be involved in the process of violence prevention, identification of cases and assistance to victims - to which the municipality responds with appropriate programs.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

A meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Elimination of Violence against Women was held in Senaki City Hall meeting room. The meeting was attended by members of the commission, as well as representatives of the City Council, schools and the Women Fund “Sukhumi”.

After reviewing specific cases, the participants of the meeting discussed the issues of violence prevention, protection of victims and cooperation with local government agencies.

The interdepartmental commission decided to join the annual 16-day information campaign against gender-based violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Linda Chikhladze and Nino Korinteli, representatives of the Women's Fund "Sukhumi" Tbilisi office, participated in a webinar organized by WWP EN on the importance of men's involvement in conversations about care work and domestic violence.

At the meeting, our representatives spoke about the Georgian legislative arrangement and the importance of fathers' participation in child care for the prevention of domestic violence.

Meeting in Kobuleti

Protection of children's rights and local cooperation in terms of improving social services” - an information exchange meeting on this topic was held this time with the staff of preschool institutions of Kobuleti municipality. The event was attended by the head of the City Hall Department for the Protection of Children's Rights, the Chairman of the Gender Equality Council of the municipality, representatives of the Women Fund "Sukhumi".

The participants were familiarized with the specifics of the work of the new structure of the municipality - the City Hall Department for the Protection of Children's Rights, as well as with local programs. Information was provided on the monitoring carried out by the Fund "Sukhumi", which revealed positive practices and challenges that exist in different municipalities.

It was noted that some representatives of preschool institutions still do not understand their responsibility according to the law in terms of protecting children from violence. There were issues when communication with the City Hall Department for the Protection of Children's Rights is necessary.

Teachers of preschool institutions touched upon the painful issues of children with specific needs. There was an agreement on the topics of future cooperation.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Eleonora Kukava - My success formula

Hello, I am Eleonora Kukava, a volunteer of the Fund "Sukhumi" and I would like to tell you about my "success formula".

I want to share with you the emotions and impressions that directly connect me with this project and the Fund "Sukhumi". First of all, which is very important, I would like to thank my trainers for giving me the opportunity to get information on very interesting issues. This project was a kind of challenge for me, which I think I successfully completed. I gained experience in writing projects and I was given the opportunity to implement a project written by our initiative group with the title: "A healthy lifestyle is our choice."  

I participated in various activities, group work, attended trainings on various topics: "How to eliminate conflict," "Stereotypes and tolerance" and others, which I think turned out to be quite fruitful and successful. In the course of the trainings, we were visited by the "Forum Theater" of the Fund “Sukhumi”. In addition, we attended a civil forum in Kutaisi on the topic: "Promotion of peacebuilding by women and youth - to establish sustainable peace and security."

Our Representatives at the Feminist Forum

  • Monday, 10 October 2022
  • 110 times

On October 6-9, the feminist forum "Body and Environment: Feminist Ideas and Practices of Organizing Care, Resistance, and Solidarity" was held.

During four days, together with queer and feminist activists, researchers, and forum participants, Representatives of Women's Fund "Sukhumi" - Nino Korinteli and Linda Chikhladze were involved in a process to created a safe space for the exchange and discussion of interdisciplinary, local, and regional knowledge and experiences.

Together with the WISG team, we also hope that these inspiring days will certainly lay the foundation for new opportunities for thinking, working, and collaborating. Among them, is to continue the forum's tradition of creating and transforming new spaces for queer feminist imagination, knowledge, and practice.

The Thematic Inquiry Group of the Gender Equality Council set up on the Access of Women to Financial Resources held a verbal hearing of the international and local organizations, thematic inquiry experts and civil activists expressing their positions on the issue and answering the questions of the main rapporteur of the inquiry.

Ekaterine Gamakharia – Representative of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” took part in the meeting of thematic inquiry group. In her speech, she focused on displaced and conflict-affected women and emphasized that ensuring women's access to financial resources is not only the most important factor in the country's development, the fight against poverty and violence against women, but it also has a great impact on peace building and restoring trust in the country.

"Today, it is not time for talks, it's for specific actions! Because while we talk about problems and complain, a large number of women are directly confronted with inequality, violence, outdated stereotypes and all the bitterness of economic dependence... Many of them have to fight to survive... Only economically strong women can take care of public welfare, contribute to the development of the country, fight against violence, and build sustainable and long-lasting peace"... - said Ekaterine Gamakharia.

During the meeting, the participants discussed specific ways to overcome the problems and shared their findings and recommendations to each other.

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