In Kutaisi there was formatted women initiative group. It is composed by active women with leader skills. One of them is organizer, who will lead the work of the group.

Group members – activists of the fund “Sukhumi”, who participated in activities of different format. They passed workshops on the issues of human security. The group members have the experience of advocacy. They have a desire to work more in this direction in future – help themselves and others in solution of the problem, existing in the society.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


Meeting of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC) was held in unusual format. For more media – response, it was attended by the journalists, specialists of the press service of local self-government.

Chairperson of the GAC Lela Natsvaladze submitted a report about meetings in frames of municipal “Program of Supporting villages”. It was underlined that it is a very low inclusion of women and accordingly gender needs are not raised. It was fixed an opinion that it is necessary to protect gender balance on similar meetings and it will promote to  implementation of gender projects.

Lawyer of the GAC Tamaz Trapaidze submitted a report of conducted work. Attention was paid to the problems, which are advocated with difficulties. It was decided that members of the GAC will be actively involved in the process.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
On July 6 an ordinary meeting was held with disabled people in frames of the project, implemented in partnership with the National Network of women NGOs against violence.
The meeting discussed interesting issues for the beneficiaries.
Several representatives were invited in fund “Sukhumi”, where they familiarized with the histories of organization, its activities and plans for future.


Gender advisory council is created in Tskaltubo municipality. It joins the people, who actively cooperate with the fund “Sukhumi”, participate in different trainings and meetings.

In Sakrebulo there was held the first meeting of the council. Chairperson of the council Georgi Dolidze spoke about the action plans for 2016-2018 for the activities in protection of women from violence.

Chairperson of Sakrebulo – Paata Akhaladze paid attention to the problems, existing in gender equality and mentioned that it is necessary to plan concrete actions in this direction. 


On April 6, the fund “Sukhumi was in Tskaltubo” to the kindergarten №2 and delivered equipment for the staff: wardrobe - 3 units, book shelves 2 units, chairs for teachers 12 units, chairs for children – 100 units, tables for children – 20 units and books.

Transfer of equipment was held in frames of the project "Improving the conditions for the IDP community" (the project of Chez NGO “involvement of the youth and social reporting” – supported by the World Bank)

The event was attended by the head of Tskaltubo Municipality Administration, representatives of local self-government, the head of association of kindergartens, manager and kindergarten teachers.

In frames of the project in the beginning of April it is planned to equip kindergartens №1 №2 in Tskaltubo and Kopitnari -Tskaltubo Municipality.

Representatives of the local government said that the project is directed to improvement of educational area of children and this type of activity is too important for the future.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN
(donor - World Bank)


Within the frames of the project "Improving the conditions for the IDP community" Fund "Sukhumi" transferred equipment  to the kindergarten №1 Tskhaltubo: wardrobe - 7 units, 2 cabinet for toys, 3 tables for teachers, book shelves - 2 units, chairs for teachers - 12 units and books.

The event was attended by the head of Tsqaltubo Municipality Administration, representatives of local self-government, the head of association of kindergartens, manager and kindergarten teachers.

In frames of the project in the beginning of April it is planned to equip kindergartens №1 №2 in Tskaltubo and Kopitnari -Tsqaltubo Municipality.

Representatives of the local government said that active cooperation with non-governmental sector and similar projects are very important for the municipality.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)



On this day in Kopitnari kindergarten there was held a real celebration: all inventory was changed - tables, chairs, cabinets, library were supplemented with new books.

The action was carried out by Fund "Sukhumi" within the framework of the project "Improving the conditions for the IDP community."

The project inventory was transferred to the three kindergartens (kindergarten №1 and №2 of Tshalutbo and kindergarten №8 of Kopitnari). These pre-schools were selected by the principle of more IDPs children. Kopitnar kindergarten is designed for 65 children and the majority of them are from IDP families.

The event was attended by representatives of local government and senior officials of kindergarten associations.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)
The work is continued under the project: “women define degree of human security for building of confidence and stable peace” (donor – Swedish women fund KTK).
Nowadays “Methodology of research of human security level” together with Abkhazian partners is in the process. The statute consists of the following items: introduction, definition of human security and its parameters, methodology of conducting researches and a rule, experience of Israel in direction of defining human rights security level. 
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)



Despite the completion of the project, the Gender Advisory Council (GAC) of Senaki continues its work and will contribute to the implementation of policies based on the public interest - was noted at the final conference summarizing the results and the achievement of three years of Senaki GAC work, which was held on July 25 at the hotel "Oscar" .

The conference was attended by top officials of the Municipality – Chairperson of Sakrebulo and Governor, deputies, heads of municipalities of the region of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti (Abasha, Khobi, Tsalenjikha, Martvili), representatives of the Governor's Administration, representatives of Fund "Sukhumi", members of the Gender Advisory Council.

Speakers summarized three years of GAC experience, shared information on implemented projects, joint initiatives, conducted researches of local gender needs, cooperation with the Club of Women Voters and local media.

Representatives of municipalities invited to the conference appreciated the experience of Senaki GAC and noted that this work must necessarily be continued and supported, as such a vivid experience will help them in formation of their GACs according to legislative amendment on creation of councils recently adopted by the Parliament of Georgia.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


December 12 in Khoni there was held a regular meeting of the Women's Initiative Group, which summarized and evaluated the results of participation in 16 day campaign and work on advocacy. There were planned event, which are necessary to achieve the intended goal.

Members of the Women's Initiative Group pleased representatives of local authorities and partners with a pleasant news: a small volunteer project was funded, which will contribute to improving the living conditions of vulnerable communities of Akhalsheni - Khoni municipality.

Members of the Women Initiative Group, activists of Women Support Center and the Club of Women-Voters, together with representatives of local authorities will contribute to the administration of the project.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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