Meetings at Women Support Centers

  • Wednesday, 21 December 2022
  • 173 times

The meetings initiated by the Women Support Centers were devoted to various topics.

During the meetings held at Tkibuli, Terjola and Bagdati Women Support Centers, the importance of involving the educational sector in the process of breaking down gender stereotypes was emphasized.

A meeting with kindergarten teachers in Kobuleti focused on the importance of early identification of facts of violence.

In other municipalities, the main issue highlighted by the participants was the improvement of victim support services.

Representatives of local structures were also involved in the information meetings.

- It is necessary to systematically inform the society, coordinate, implement effective services - these were the messages from the participants of the meetings.

In parallel, the meetings identified eight new crisis families in the Women Support Centers. The work will continue according to their needs.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Members of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group were provided with information about the activities carried out within the framework of the project, the advocacy results and plans for the future.

The leader of the group informed the participants about the strategy that was developed by local structures for the implementation of the Resolution 1325.

The women's group is working on the implementation of the main tasks that are included in the strategy.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

"Women and youth in the peace movement, promotion of the implementation of 1325 and 2250 UN resolutions" - a training on this topic was held with the members of the women initiative group of the village Pakhulani - Tsalenjikha municipality.

The participants talked about such topics as peace initiatives and the role of women.

The second part of the training was devoted to the discussion of Resolution 1325.

The participants worked and discussed the issues, which will contribute to the implementation of resolution 1325 at the municipal level.

The meeting was also held in the public school No 2 of Pakhulani village - Tsalenjikha municipality. Pupils talked about bullying, conflict and its prevention, ways of solution.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Round table in Samtredia

The Women Fund "Sukhumi" held a meeting in the format of a round table in Samtredia municipality, which was attended by members of the Gender Equality Council of the City Hall of the municipality and representatives of local referral entities. They heard information about the statistics of domestic violence, violence prevention and services that are available for the victims.

The meeting was aimed at the active involvement of local referral entities in the process of domestic violence prevention.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The forum theater was held in schools No. 1 and No. 4 in Tskaltubo. The audience was interested in the performances, topical problems that the forum theater focuses on.

Part of the audience joined the scenes, as required by the specifics of the forum theater. The scene reflecting the relationship of parents and children became the subject of special discussion.

After the performances, master classes were held in both schools on how to form a forum theater and what is the peculiarity of its work. The students took an active part in this process.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

We love to share experiences.

We love to help.

We have accumulated a lot of knowledge during these years. And, of course, we try to transfer this knowledge.

Recently, the practice of outsourcing has been successfully introduced.

Outsourcing means "using an external source". It is the provision of a concrete service by one company/institution to another.

Our staff has been consulting Gender Equality Councils for years, helping them to develop gender policies and action plans. Selling the services of qualified NGOs is the most cost-effective and efficient way to achieve results, that is why local governments/gender equality councils are more and more often trying to use our qualifications and many years of experience in various fields.

Within the framework of the project "Localization of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda", the Women Fund "Sukhumi", with the involvement of volunteers from the "National League of Women", organized a training on the topic "Preparation of families for war and emergency situations." The training was held on December 18-19, in Kutaisi, hotel "Bagrati".

The training was attended by members of the Women Initiative Groups affected by the conflict and women living in IDP settlements.

The training included both theoretical and practical parts. The first day was devoted to the basics of the first aid and the issue of evacuation, and the second day - to a discussion of the importance and principles of civil readiness and security.

The participants of the training shared their stories from the period of war, told about the difficulties and challenges.

The training was attended by representatives of the US Army Civil Support Military Group.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

St. Nicholas Day is one of the most beloved holidays for kids and adults. Ukrainians believe that St. Nicholas is the patron saint of ordinary people. He always helps those who need it, which is why he is also called a "quick listener." St. Nicholas is considered the patron saint of children - on the eve of the holiday, children write letters to St. Nicholas with their wishes and receive gifts.

According to this tradition, the Women Fund “Sukhumi” organized a celebration for Ukrainian children at Kutaisi Akaki Tsereteli State University. The concert choir of the 2nd music school named after Zakaria Paliashvili performed Ukrainian songs, the anthem of Ukraine and Georgia.

One of the "good magicians" was Mikola Vasilchuk, director of a Georgian-Ukrainian company, who prepared sweet gifts for the children.

The event was attended by the Mayor of Kutaisi - Ioseb Khakhaleishvili, Parliament member - Zaza Lominadze and the Chairman of the City Council - Irakli Shengelia, who made welcoming speeches.

- We will return to Ukraine, and for us and our children it will be one of the most interesting and memorable days spent in Kutaisi, - Ukrainian mothers noted.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

- Thank you so much for your attention, warmth, comfort and home environment. During these two weeks we have fallen in love with you. The psychologist could completely relieve my stressful tension, every time she appeared my fears were washed away like a wave. I felt relief and peace for the first time.

These are the words of a young woman who passed a comprehensive daily rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi".

In early December, there were two women and three children in the center. The teacher worked with the children - they played together, drew, studied, had fun...

A psychologist, a social worker and a lawyer worked with women on attitudes and beliefs that prevent them from building harmonious relationships. They helped them overcome emotional and behavioral problems in order to better adapt to society.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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