- In what direction should the work on violence prevention be improved, how to help women under the risk - these issues are discussed at information meetings that are held monthly at Women Support Centers.

During the meetings initiated by the Women Support Centers of Vani, Zugdidi and Kobuleti, the participants expressed their opinion, which will be reflected in the activities of the Centers.

- It is necessary to disseminate all the necessary information and deliver it to the addressee, this will help to prevent violence, - this is the general position of the participants.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The 5-month training course at the Youth Empowerment Centers is coming to an end. In the first half of the month, meetings were held in Tkibuli, Tsalenjikha, Samtredia, Kobuleti and Terjola. 87 people participated in the trainings. The participants passed 10 trainings on conflict management and gender issues.

Final activities will be held in March. Teachers and parents will be invited to the meetings. Youth groups from all municipalities and presenters are actively preparing to summarize and present the knowledge and experience accumulated over the five months to the audience.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Council of Europe Office in Georgia  and the Governmental Administration hosted on 13 February a conference to present the recommendations provided to Georgia by GREVIO, the independent expert body which monitors the implementation of the Council of Europe  Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), as well as by the Committee of the Parties to the Istanbul Convention. At the event, representatives of non-governmental organisations and academia together with the State agencies and Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou, GREVIO member and second vice-president of GREVIO, discussed the steps to take to implement the 16 recommendations approved by the Committee of the Parties to the Convention in December 2022. The recommendations are the most pressing as indicated in the first GREVIO baseline report on Georgia published in November 2022. Georgia is to submit a report on the implementation of the recommendations to the Committee of the Parties by the end of 2025.

This is another good example of cooperation between our organization and kindergarten associations of Kutaisi municipality:

Trainers of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" conducted a training on: "Authorities and obligations of pre-school educational institutions. Identification and management of cases of violence against children, violence prevention" in the kindergarten No 17.

According to the participants, it was a very interesting, interactive, productive working process.

The next training with the staff of preschool institutions is planned in the near future.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Professional courses were successfully completed in Bagdati Day Rehabilitation Center. Then the Women Fund "Sukhumi" organized a training for the beneficiaries. Highly qualified trainer, Associate Professor of Kutaisi University Elguja Deisadze introduced the participants to the specifics of writing business projects. At the next stage, a competition will be held, and the authors of the best projects will receive small grants. All this will help women to successfully create an independent career.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Within the framework of the current working visit to Georgia, Moldova's Vice Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebriani, together with State Minister Thea Akhvlediani, met with the members of two platforms - the Expert Advisory Council and the Women's Advisory Platform.

Ekaterine Gamakharia, head of the Tbilisi representative office of Women's Fund "Sukhumi", also participated in the high-level meeting, who in her speech focused on the importance of creating gender advisory groups in the process of peaceful resolution of the conflict in Moldova and raised the issue of better studying this experience in order to replicate it in Georgia.

In order to implement the National Human Rights Strategy for the years of 2022-2030, the Government of Georgia started working on the development of the new National Human Rights Action Plan. Members of the state agencies listed under the Government Decree N143 of March 2, 2022, representatives of international/donor organizations, as well as respresentatives of more than 80 NGOs attended the meeting, among Women Fund “Sukhumi”.

At the end of the meeting, the importance of the involvement of international and local non-governmental organizations in the drafting process of the National Human Rights Action Plan was once again underlined and the timeframe for their feedback on the first draft of the action plan was discussed. However, during the discussion, the representatives of local non-governmental organizations drew attention to the main challenge of cooperation on the part of state agencies, which implies not taking into account the recommendations offered by civil societies in the state policy. Of course, it makes each of us lose the motivation to work together. 

Our representative - Linda Chikhladze participated in the info-sharing meeting of the Secretariat of the Sustainable Development Goals Council.

The non-governmental organizations participating in the meeting received information regarding the mechanisms for promoting the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Among them, the activities and structure of the Sustainable Development Goals Council, the four thematic working groups included in it, and the opportunities and importance of being involved in them. Linda Chikhladze shared the best practices of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” work with them.

Elguja Deisadze the Associate Professor of Kutaisi University conducted a training on business issues for the graduates of the Day Rehabilitation Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi". The participants got a chance to find their own business, set goals correctly and take part in the competition of business projects. The winners of the competition will receive small grants and will be able to engage in economic activities.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

These women live in the village Pakhulani - Tsalenjikha municipality, not far from the conflict dividing line. Their empowerment is one of the challenges of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”. That is why the day rehabilitation center actively works here.

After completing the cutting and sewing courses, many success stories were accumulated. The process of women empowerment continues. This time, 10 beneficiaries of the day center completed a two-month computer technology course and received certificates.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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