This Guide for Journalists - "Standards for Responsible Reporting on Violence Against Women", prepared by the Women Fund "Sukhumi", provides practical advice and best practices for reporting on gender-based violence (GBV) survivors and women activists. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding victim-blaming language, respecting privacy and dignity, highlighting strength and resilience, and promoting zero tolerance toward GBV within society. The guide also addresses how to avoid gendered stereotypes and prioritize professional achievements over personal lives when covering stories about women defenders and activists.

By following these guide, journalists can ensure their reporting is ethical, empathetic, and contributes to a culture of understanding and support for women's rights and gender equality.  


This digital informational banner, created by the Women Fund 'Sukhumi' and entitled 'Gender Disinformation - Myths and Reality,' addresses common misconceptions about gender-based violence and reveals the reality behind these myths. It challenges harmful and false beliefs that circulate in society, such as the idea that women domestic violence survivors provoke violence, that domestic violence is a private family matter, that fighting against domestic violence destroys families, and that feminism undermines traditional family values.

With the information on the banner, readers will discover the truth behind these common myths and understand the real dimensions of gender-based violence.

In the new social clip from the Women's Fund 'Sukhumi', actresses Nino Tcholadze and Nantso Tsvirashvili from Kutaisi's Lado Meskhishvili State Drama Theater explain how to recognize gender identity disinformation.

Embrace the truth and reject gender identity disinformation!


This policy brief presents the findings of a quantitative research study conducted by The Women's Fund "Sukhumi" in 10 targeted municipalities from March to May 2024. The study, which included 1027 female respondents, address the availability of support services for victims of violence and the level of women’s awareness regarding these services. The study results show that in 2023 and 2024, the index of women who are uninformed or less informed about services is almost identical, at approximately 39%. Relatively high level of awareness of state shelters and Legal Aid Services was found, with approximately 37-46% of cases. The main sources of information about support services for victims of violence are non-governmental organizations and social networks. 46.1% of women – representatives of vulnerable group, have limited or no access to support services (a decrease of 9% compared to last year). Access to services is primarily hindered by limited and inadequate transport infrastructure (26.4%), as well as by lack of information about available services and unqualified or poor-quality services (approximately 25%).


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

This policy brief presents the findings of a quantitative research study conducted by The Women's Fund "Sukhumi" in 10 targeted municipalities from March to May 2024. The study, which included 1027 female respondents, examined victims of violence seeking support services. The document focuses on the importance of identifying incidents of violence at an early stage and reducing its impact through applying to services. According to the study results, between 2023 and 2024, 16% of the women surveyed did not seek any support services. Overall, the highest applying rates in 2024 were reported to police (112) and the hotline (116 006) (approximately 45-38% of cases). "Stigma and fear of public judgment" (27.9% of cases) are the leading reasons for not contacting any support services in cases of violence.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Rehearsals of new scenarios

The forum theater performances were held in Kutaisi Youth Center. The topic of migration, which, according to viewers, is an acute problem for society, caused active discussion. Rehearsals of  the new scenarios are currently underway, and it is also important that the number of volunteers has increased.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The work of the Women Support Centers shjould identify the families under the relationship crisis. Information about women's rights and conflict management issues is preventive measure and reduces the risk of violence.

New beneficiaries are added to meetings every month, also the number of people using the services of a psychologist has also increased. All this contributes to the creation of a non-violent environment in society.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The Women's Fund "Sukhumi" presents its new information brochure: "Gender Disinformation - Features, Tactics and Detection Methods", which shows how false and inaccurate information is used to discredit, intimidate, and silence women, especially those active in the public sphere. The brochure outlines key characteristics and common tactics of gender disinformation, such as spreading gender stereotypes, victim-blaming, and attacking women's intellectual abilities. Additionally, the brochure provides practical advice on identifying and countering gender misinformation through source verification, cross-referencing with independent sources, and using reliable fact-checking websites.



A series of information meetings, held by active members of the initiative group, continues in Kutaisi.

The construction of a mini - stadium is a problem that was identified by the IDP community living in the building of a former pharmacy on Tabukashvili Street. Women trained at the Women Fund “Sukhumi” work on this issue. They also have information about forms of civic engagement and share it with others. They have prepared a letter to submit to the City Hall and are waiting for a response. Women know that they can change their social conditions.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Social Networks