“Previously, I just enjoyed the process. Now I also gain knowledge about my habits”.

“I haven’t communicated with a psychologist and I really like it.”

“We all need to heal our pain. Polymer clay helps us in this. The participation of a psychologist made the process even more interesting”.

These are the comments of the women.

The day rehabilitation center of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” continues to teach the art of polymer clay along with therapeutic support. Thus, psychological consultations and answers to questions that women really like, naturally appear in the process of work.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Second stage of the project

  • Saturday, 22 June 2024
  • 147 times

The second stage of the project “IDP women and girls – actors of the elaboration of needs-based local policies in Kutaisi” continues successfully.

“We managed to solve one problem, and this is the merit of the project: we equipped the entrance of the residential building, made it clean and safe. Now we are starting to advocate for the installation of benches,” mentioned IDPs living in the building of the former musical college.

Members of the initiative group who were trained in frames of our project tell others about the need for civic responsibility.

The meeting participants actively discuss actual topics and are now advocating for the issue of installing benches in the area adjacent to 58 Chavchavadze Avenue. 


The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

A “round table” format meeting was held in Tsalenjikha. The invited lawyer spoke about the national referral procedures for identifying victims of violence against women and/or domestic violence, their protection, assistance and rehabilitation. Particular emphasis was placed on the services of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" and their importance for victims.

The role of non-governmental organizations was discussed at the meeting, and examples of the positive impact of the work of civil society were given.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Working on a new research

The monitoring group of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” started work on a new research, the aim of which is to study the effectiveness of existing services for victims of domestic violence/violence against women and develop recommendations for improving efficiency in order to identify necessary strategies and new approaches.

Information is being collected on existing (and/or planned) services for victims of domestic violence/violence against women. The work of service providers will be presented and the attitudes, mood and expectations of service recipients/beneficiaries will be studied.

In June, 10 in-depth interviews were conducted with beneficiaries, service providers (about the services of a crisis center, a state shelter, the organization “Mercury”, the Georgian Young Lawyers Association and the Women Fund “Sukhumi”), which allowed us to study the current situation in this regard based on specific cases .

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Youth empowerment centers are actively working in the municipalities of Senaki, Khobi, Kobuleti, Tsalenjikha and Samtredia. Trainers from the Women Fund “Sukhumi” conducted trainings on topics that are interesting for young people. During the meetings, leaders were identified who conduct the initiated activities and intend to continue them. At this stage, center members prepare for final meetings and are actively involved in the process of preparing original presentations.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

We present a new social video from the Women's Fund 'Sukhumi', featuring actresses Nino Choladze and Nantso Tsvirashvili, and actor Saba Nutsubidze, who explain the essence of gender identity disinformation.

Embrace the truth and reject gender identity disinformation!

Information meetings in the IDP community

  • Thursday, 20 June 2024
  • 231 times

Members of Kutaisi initiative group actively conduct information meetings in their community.

Now we speak about the settlement “cottages” - on Guram Gabiskiria Street, where housing and infrastructure problems were identified and advocacy began: they are already waiting for a response from the relevant departments regarding the arrangement of the road surface and water supply system.

These stages were carried out within the framework of our project. Therefore, they believe that teamwork brings better results and success.

Women living in the IDP settlement are well aware of forms of civic engagement and are trying to become more active in order to change their lives for the better.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

The members of Kutaisi Youth Club passed training on the topic "Mediation as a Ritual of Reconciliation". The participants received information about mediation, different types of mediation and the importance of mediation, performed practical exercises related to conflict management and mediation of process. USAID representative - Giorgi Khechinashvili attended the meeting. The leader of the club introduced the activities and results of the project "Youth for Peace" to the club members and the udience. The meeting was hosted by Public School No. 6 of Abkhazia named after Zhuli Shartava. Within the format of the exchange meeting, Kutaisi and Khoni Women Initiative Groups shared information and experience with each other, talked about the problems and needs advocated by them. According to the participants, such meetings provide a good opportunity for club members to get to know each other better. 

Problem identification and advocacy

  • Tuesday, 18 June 2024
  • 208 times

A working meeting was held in the IDP settlement of Kutaisi (former cooperative college). Women members of the initiative groups, who passed the trainings, improve their knowledge and acquired new skills, now they conduct informational meetings in their community, speak about importance and necessity of unity, civil activity, team work.

Lack of drainage channels, water pooling in basements and damaged building facades - they identified this problem and began the advocacy process. They are collecting signatures to present to local government and ask for help.


The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Social Networks