Youth theater performances

After the New Year holidays, the youth theater resumed its work. In January, puppet theater and forum theater performances were held.

A puppet theater performance took place in Kutaisi school No 2nd. Primary school students liked the performance, then they cheerfully joined the discussion - they talked about their favorite characters, friendship, and helping each other.

The Forum Theater presented a performance on the topic of migration in the city center. Some viewers were worried because... their family members are also emigrants, but noted that this is a pressing problem, and young people have the right vision...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The members of the women and youth groups of the village Didinedzi - Zugdidi municipality hosted the project coordinator, Giorgi Khechinashvili. It was noted that, such meetings are important for both sides from the point of view of receiving information from the donors. During the nearly 3-hour meeting, the representative of the USAID program heard information from the club members about the work done within the project. He learned about the problems and needs of the citizens living near the dividing line. The leader of the club spoke about the benefits of the project, highlighted the issues that were resolved in the village and spoke about plans for future. The meeting turned out to be productive for each participant.

Advocacy - main topic of the training

  • Tuesday, 23 January 2024
  • 101 times

What is advocacy, how to determine an advocacy strategy, what tools and mechanisms should be used to make the process successful - these issues were discussed during the training held in Senaki. It was attended by active women leaders from IDP communities.

Using practical examples and exercises, participants interactively analyzed factors that promote and hinder advocacy. Using SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of the advocacy team were identified. In the last part of the training, participants identified problems and developed an advocacy action plan.

According to the participants, the skills acquired during the training will help them to successfully carry out the advocacy process.

The work is carried out in partnership with the Center “Abkhazeti” within the framework of the project “Support of the conflict transformation in the South Caucasus and Moldova”.

Meeting in the community of Jvartskhma

  • Tuesday, 23 January 2024
  • 65 times

What are the existing mechanisms to assist and empower victims of violence; In what issues should we cooperate with the department for the protection and support of children’s rights, social workers; What are the responsibilities of society members in preventing violence against women and domestic violence; How to create a healthy, harmonious environment around teenagers - these issues were mainly discussed at a meeting held in Chokhatauri municipality, in the community of Jvartskhma.

The meeting was held in a friendly, positive, interactive atmosphere. The meeting was attended by the City Hall representative of the community, representatives of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”, the department for the protection and support of children's rights, and active women of the community.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Working meeting in Chokhatauri

  • Tuesday, 23 January 2024
  • 105 times

“Prevention of violence and protection of victims of violence” - The Women Fund “Sukhumi” held a working meeting on this topic in Chokhatauri.

The meeting was attended by the first deputy Mayor, members of the interdepartmental commission on the prevention of violence against women and/or domestic violence, protection and assistance to victims of violence, representatives of the Gender Equality Council, law enforcement agencies, a preschool educational institution, an educational resource center and a center for public health.

The aim of the meeting was to analyze the current situation regarding domestic violence in the municipality and to determine the prospects for social cooperation.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Training on advocacy in Khoni

Training on the topic “Evidence-based Advocacy” was held at Khoni Community Education Center.

The training was attended by women leaders representing homeowners associations in the IDP settlement. They discussed barriers existing in the process of advocacy at the local level, identified target groups and stakeholders, and developed a plan for the advocacy of community needs.

The training participants noted:

“Today we gained very valuable experience in how to find the shortest way to solve the pressing problems of our community.”

“We have chosen prior issues and set a strategy for changes, emphasized the ways to solve these issues and better saw our capabilities”.

The work is carried out in partnership with the Center “Abkhazeti” within the framework of the project “Support of the conflict transformation in the South Caucasus and Moldova”.

Activities of Tskaltubo initiative groups

  • Monday, 22 January 2024
  • 70 times

Tskaltubo a youth group held a discussion on the topic of peace. They talked about the role of young people in the peace process. The participants emphasized how important and necessary the participation of young people in peace activities is. The women initiative group was involved in the research process. Totally 150 beneficiaries were interviewed using the questionnaires. The research aims to assess the quality of human security in terms of gender.

Presentation of the research in Teklati

  • Thursday, 18 January 2024
  • 106 times

An information exchange meeting was held at school of the village Teklati (Senaki municipality) - with the participation of the school administration, teachers and parents.

Representatives of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”, together with employees of educational institutions, the department for the protection and support of children's rights, and members of the Gender Equality Council, discussed a number of topical issues related to violence against women/domestic violence family, the prevention of violence, and the psychosocial condition of families of adolescents.

There was also a presentation of a Women Fund "Sukhumi" research - "Assessing the effectiveness of implementation of preventive measures on issues of domestic violence against women by municipalities." An important place in the recommendations of the research is occupied by the coordination of authoritative local structures and the exchange of information, cooperation with schools.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Round table - presentation in Tsalenjikha

  • Thursday, 18 January 2024
  • 86 times

Representatives of the City hall, the Gender Equality Council, the administration of kindergartens and the health service gathered in the meeting room of the City Council of Tsalenjikha municipality. The Women Fund “Sukhumi” held a round table - presentation of a small joint project that was implemented in collaboration with the Gender Council. Within the framework of the project, trainings and information meetings were held during the international campaign of “16 active days against gender-based violence”. In addition, the municipality conducted a women's needs research and published a report.

During the meeting, the participants talked about the work done and special emphasis was placed on continuing active cooperation.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Social Networks