Round table in Tkibuli

Local referral entities: members of the Gender Equality Council, existing in the City Council of the municipality, representatives of local self-government, the police and the social sphere, teachers and medical personnel gathered in the conference hall of Tkibuli Municipality City Hall

The meeting participants spoke about the facts of femicide, the problem of domestic violence and the importance of cooperation with local structures.

Attention was focused on ways of referencing, inter-agency cooperation and coordination that contribute to the prevention of violence.

During the meeting, there was a presentation on “National Referral Procedures for the Identification, Protection, Assistance and Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence against Women and/or Domestic Violence (National Referral Mechanism)”.

Important issues were raised during the conversation: municipal statistics on arresting orders, identification of problems and assistance to the victims.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

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