Despite the summer holidays, our women continue to work actively and take care of solving new problems.

Women Initiative groups are already working on issues that will be advocated in the near future.

Information meetings were held, where the advocacy plan was introduced and final versions were elaborated.

At this stage, the topics of advocacy are: "Additional placement of garbage bins in the IDP settlement located on Abkhazeti Street in Khoni", "Women's passivity and less involvement in economic activity." "

" Women's passivity, indifference, less involvement, mentality, lack of knowledge in economic activity."

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

On August 12, the world celebrates International Day the Youth.

This day was founded by the resolution of the United Nations Assembly on December 17, 1999 and on August 12, 2000 the civilized world celebrated the International Day of Youth for the first time. The United Nations called on the international community to recognize the intergenerational relationship and solve the problems of people of different ages jointly, to raise the awareness of young people about existing problems, risks and ways to solve them.

This date is specially celebrated by the Fund "Sukhumi", which has been working with young people for a long time and gives great importance to this direction.

The members of the youth initiative groups held information meetings, made presentations, provided their peers with comprehensive information about this important day, showed short films and at the end of the meetings organized a discussion on what challenges the new generation sees in today's reality.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

In July, informational meetings with women initiative groups were held in the target municipalities of Tskaltubo, Senaki, Khoni, Kutaisi, Tsalenjikha and Zugdidi.

The main issue that was discussed at the meetings was the promotion of women's economic empowerment.

The women were provided with information about the programs are presented in their municipalities, how to get involved in these programs and what are the opportunities for cooperation.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Lizi Tkabladze - member of Khoni youth initiative group

This is her success story...

"Within the framework of this project, I got acquainted with the issues that are interesting to me and gained new skills that will be used in other events and activities in the future.

Filling out a project proposal and drawing up a budget was a new experience for me.

Among the activities carried out within the project, I would highlight wall painting, which was very interesting and fun for the participants. Children were given the opportunity to express their creativity and we received the desired result...

By participating in this project, I became more independent and self-confident. I think that similar events contribute to the development and growth of young people in many directions".

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

They will create a different, much better society...






Nuri and others...

They are 20... Different and individual… They have their own positions, attitude, arguments on any issue.

They are members of Tskaltubo youth group.

The topic of women's support and gender equality was chosen not by chance for the project. This topic is often discussed. They have great ambitions and believe that tomorrow's society will be much better, where equality and harmony will be balanced by equal opportunities.

"For me, equality means the order in society. Both men and women should be equally involved in this process. Both should follow the same path to achieve the goal" - this is Anastasia. She is an active member of the group. Within the project, she created a video about a topic of equality and provided the community with what young people had to say.

In May-June 2022, the youth initiative group of our school together with the Women Fund  "Sukhumi" implemented the project "Clean environment and healthy lifestyle is my choice".

Many good things were done in the school within the framework of the project. The most important thing is that the students became much more motivated and self-confident.

Within the framework of the project, meetings with population were organized, the river bank and the center of the village were cleaned, it should be noted that the village attorney also participated in the cleaning action. The students also organized a wonderful meeting with kindergarten teachers on the importance of healthy food, planted evergreen trees and think about the sustainability of the project in the future so that the process continues and there is a beautiful green corner in the school yard.

At the end of the project, a sports event was held with the participation of all schoolchildren. It can be said that the project had a very positive effect on students' personal formation, motivation, and development of various skills. The school management and the teachers are ready to support the students in the activities to be carried out in terms of project sustainability in the future and jointly  change the environment for the better.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

On July 14, representatives of the USAID and the US Embassy Mr. Giorgi Khechinashvili - Senior Advisor of Youth Programs and Mr. Anton Cooper, Political Officer of the US Embassy visited the head office of the Fund "Sukhumi" in Kutaisi.

The guests heard information about the activities of the organization and the work carried out by partner organizations, about the activities carried out within the framework of the project so far. The participants also talked about the existing challenges and successes... about positive changes achieved by the initiative groups created by the Fund "Sukhumi" in the municipalities with the support of the USAID.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The Fund “Sukhumi” has been cooperating with the public school of the village Koki for a long time. For the given moment, with the support of the USAID and the Fund "Sukhumi", young people implemented a small project "Remember Abkhazia", ​​within the framework of the mentioned project, they have implemented many interesting activities.

It was said much about the benefits this project has brought to the beneficiaries and now we would like to share the emotions of the participants directly...

" It was a new experience for several young people involved in this project.

In general, I have never been active, but after taking this step, everything has changed for the better, I often participate in various types of events and I am very happy to be involved in the implementation of this project.

Khoni public school No 3 has extremely active children...

Their project - "Ecology and healthy lifestyle" was finished.

The youth initiative group held a summary meeting, where they held a project presentation, talked about the obtained results and implemented activities.

Information meetings with students of other schools, a round table with representatives of the city council, a bicycle marathon, greening and cleaning actions were held in the framework of the project...

The project contributed to the dissemination of information about healthy life and ecology in society.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The members of the youth initiative groups of the Fund "Sukhumi" gathered in the conference hall of Tskaltubo Municipality City Hall.

The participants summarized the results of the projects implemented within the sub-grants and shared their evaluations with each other.

"Our small project laid the foundation for a new initiative in Tskaltubo municipality. The e-petition will give the citizens living in Tskaltubo an opportunity to cooperate with the authorities and present their problems" - this is the assessment of the youth group based in the City Council.

During the presentation of the project, the members of the youth group of the public school No 4 highlighted the main achievements.

According to them, with this small project it will become possible to have a positive impact on the awareness raising of young people and this will help to support women and create a gender-balanced society in the future.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

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