Training for the group of Khoni                              

  • Wednesday, 05 May 2021
  • 1127 times

"I received the correct information about the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict."

"I am an IDP from Abkhazia, but I know very little about reasons and duration of conflict. This training gave me the opportunity to learn more. "

“I have heard only about the consequences of conflict. I always wanted to know more about the history of conflict. Thank you for this training and for answering my questions. "

This is a feedback from one part of the training participants. The training was conducted by the conflict expert Keti Vasadze.

“Prehistory of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, its continuation and consequences”

- the participants of the online training on this topic were members of the Youth Initiative Group of Khoni municipality.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

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