The research: “Needs Assessment of Women and Youth according to the Gender Responsive Early Warning System (GREWS)” was carried out in 6 municipalities (Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi),

This system is an important tool for early response to the society's problems in terms of improving the quality of human security.

1024 people took part in the quantitative research, in addition, 24 focus group meetings and 24 in-depth interviews were held.

In July Women Initiative Groups developed advocacy plans, and advocacy campaigns based on identified needs are planned in August – September.

Three members of Kutaisi youth initiative group took an active part in the training, which was dedicated to project writing. Then they shared their knowledge and information with the rest of the group.

The group has actively worked on two projects that should be presented to the competition committee in the near future. This is their first experience and everyone joined with great enthusiasm.

An information meeting with members of the women initiative group was held online. They named the actual problems of the city, selected the most priority ones and developed an advocacy plan. The group will try to solve the problem, and this will motivate group members to work more actively.

Like the previous month, three meetings were held in Khoni in July - one in the youth initiative group and two in the women's groups.

The youth group actively worked on the project, discussed the envisaged activities, considered and worked out all the details, in order to submit to the competition committee for funding.

In women's initiative groups, women talked about many problems that they want to solve, but they do not have such opportunities. At the end, they selected issues that are prior for them and drafted an advocacy plan.

Meeting of the women's initiative group in Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality) was attended by the majoritarian deputy of the village - Data Kukava. He spoke about municipal programs. He noted that the self-government is going to implement various projects in the community. It was especially important that the deputy listened attentively to the problems raised by the women, expressed his readiness to help the group in the process of advocacy of the problems.

An interesting meeting of the youth initiative group was held in Lia (Tsalenjikha municipality). The team members worked actively to improve the goals and objectives of the project proposal and prepared working versions of two projects that will be presented to the commission. After funding, the young people will start implementing the project.

During the meeting of Zugdidi women initiative group and Koki/Khurcha women's group (Zugdidi municipality), they discussed the problems that were revealed by the research of gender needs assessment, conducted in the municipality. The women's groups have selected the most actual issues and have planned an advocacy campaign to be carried out together with the local government.

The main issue at the meeting of the youth initiative group of the village Koki (Zugdidi municipality), was to improve the project proposal. During the training, held in Kutaisi, young people studied how to turn an interesting idea into a project. The result is already observed: they have prepared two projects, which will soon be considered by a special commission

The Women Initiative Group of the Fund "Sukhumi" is working on an advocacy plan in Senaki. Participants discussed the priority of the problems and finally stopped at the topical problem.

According to the content of the problem, group members will try to advocate the problem at local as well as at central levels.

Senaki Youth Initiative Group is involved in the working process, the participants are working on a grant project. Each item in the working versions of the projects was discussed together and the details were clarified. The working process will continue until the project is submitted.

Meetings were held with women and youth initiative groups in Tskaltubo Municipality.

The Women Initiative Group worked on an advocacy plan. A specific problem was identified as a result of the research. An advocacy campaign with specific activities has already been planned, in collaboration with the local government and the Gender Equality Council.

Youth initiative groups are working on the project. Participants already know how to build a project. They worked on the name of the project, developed a slogan, discussed the refinement of goals and objectives.

Tskaltubo initiative groups will present two projects at the sub-grant competition, each project will announce the directions announced by the competition.

The place of meeting - Zugdidi.

The topic of the training - "Evidence-Based Advocacy Practice."

Members of women initiative groups from Zugdidi, Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Kutaisi, Khoni and Tskaltubo gathered here. They discussed the advocacy process through practical examples and statements.

The participants worked in groups: they defined the actual problem identified as a result of the research, and also formed advocacy tasks and plan. The acquired information and skills will help them to prepare an advocacy plan for the municipalities and correctly plan the advocacy process.

How to turn the ideas into reality, how to plan project activities - a training on these issues was held in Kutaisi. It was attended by members of the youth initiative group of Senaki, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Kutaisi, Tskaltubo and Khoni.

After getting acquainted with the theoretical materials, the groups worked on the creation of the project. The information and skills obtained during the training will help the youth group in writing working versions of the project and timely submit them to the competition committee.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

My expectations were justified, I received a lot of new information, I wish such events in the future also...- this is how the members of Kutaisi youth initiative group expressed their opinions at the end of the training. On June 10, a training on “Analysis of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict” was held for the group.

On June 18, a meeting of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group was held, during which the participants listened to the results of a quantitative research of assessing the level of human security and gender needs. They chose a problematic issue from the recommendation proposals and will begin to work on advocating it. Plans have already been outlined and the members of the group are ready to get involved in the advocacy process.

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