“We gained very important information about the advocacy process.”

“We did it like this, but through training we learned how necessary it is to take correct steps”.

“We have been working on drafting an advocacy plan together. The knowledge gained will help us conduct advocacy correctly.”

This is what the participants – leader women and girls, representatives of different IDP communities of Kutaisi – said at the end of the training. The training was held at the office of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" on the topic: "Advocacy for community problems, advocacy strategy and drawing up an action plan".

The participants worked on the reasons and consequences using the “problem tree” method, and also did a SWOT analysis - strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and risks.

After the theoretical part, the participants worked in groups on an action plan for advocacy regarding a specific issue.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Advocacy for community problems, advocacy strategy and drawing up an action plan - training on these issues for women leaders from different IDP communities was held at the office of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”.

The participants identified the factors that determine the relevance of the problem and the path of the problem from identification to solution, which ensures the success of advocacy.

After defining the essence of advocacy, the participants discussed the results and reasons of the problem using the “tree method”. And with the help of the SWOT form, they were able to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and resources, and identify expected risks.

In the second part of the training, participants were divided into three groups and worked in groups on an action plan for advocacy on a specific issue.

The feedback shows that they are ready to use the acquired knowledge into practice:

“We learned about the advocacy process. All the information is necessary for us".

“We worked on drawing up an advocacy plan, prescribed all the activities, envisaged the risks. We will use all the materials in practice”.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

“Today I understood what rights we have and who we should contact if necessary. Proper communication and action are very important.”

“The training showed me the importance of women leadership. I also envisaged my own resources in the process of advocating for issues.”

“Sometimes we don’t even know about municipal programs, sometimes our needs are greater than it is included in the local government budget. Such trainings create our correct civic position.”

These were the feedbacks from the participants at the end of the training. Women and IDP girls living in Kutaisi, attended a training on a actual topic: “Women’s leadership, forms of communication, mechanisms of civic engagement.”

The participation of IDP women in the local policy-making process will significantly increase as a result of the activities planned in frames of the project.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

“Women's leadership, forms of communication, mechanisms of civic engagement” – IDP women and girls attended the training on these topics. It was attended by 20 people from different IDP communities.

The training was aimed at empowering women by awareness raising. Participants discussed the characteristics of leadership from a personal view. They gave arguments for necessary qualities that woman needs for successful leadership. In the process of group work, they recorded factors that hinder women’s activity.

Participants also heard information about forms of civic participation: they recalled practical examples, about forms and methods of communication with local government, how involved they are in the process of forming local policy and what is the degree of their involvement.

According to the participants, the information received at the training and the support of the Fund “Sukhumi” will help them to be more motivated and actively use forms of civic engagement to solve their problems.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Training for IDP women and girls

  • Sunday, 18 February 2024
  • 136 times

Training on the topic “Women’s leadership, forms of communication, mechanisms of civil inclusion” was conducted with participation of IDP women and girls, members of the target working group living in different communities of Kutaisi.

The training program consisted of a lecture part and practical exercises. Participants were given the opportunity to work in groups on the following issues: what hinders civic engagement at the local level, how to increase the motivation of citizens to increase their involvement in the formation of local politics.

Participants interactively shared their experiences, positions and views on the topics discussed. It was noted that the topics of the training were important and necessary for them: “I began to think about leadership qualities, reconsidered my abilities, and discovered new resources.”

“We received very interesting information and got acquainted with the forms of attracting citizens. It is necessary that as many people as possible know about this.”

“I will definitely use the acquired knowledge in practice. I feel responsible and will be more actively involved in the ongoing processes of the municipality.”

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Trainer Rusudan Karkadze conducted a training session on the topic of misinformation for young people from Kutaisi, Tskaltubo and Zugdidi, in the office of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”.

The following issues were discussed: media literacy, digital instruments, misinformation, cyber-bullying. Participants acquired practical skills in distinguishing fake information from real one, various specific methods of combating misinformation and how to use them in everyday life. They got acquainted with various web pages and worked on an interesting online test to better understand the essence of misinformation.

The training participants filled out questionnaires on the basis of which they will be selected for involvement in peacekeeping activities.

Training in Tskaltubo

Training on “Evidence-based Advocacy” was held in Tskaltubo Innovation Center. The training was attended by active leaders - women and girls living in different IDP communities.

Participants understood the essence of advocacy, identified problems in their communities, and formulated a strategic advocacy plan.

Through practical examples and exercises, participants analyzed factors that promote and hinder advocacy. The main emphasis was placed on the SWOT analysis, which showed the participants the strengths and weaknesses of the advocacy group. At the end of the training, they noted that the knowledge and skills gained would help them successfully conduct advocacy.

The work is carried out in partnership with the Center “Abkhazeti” within the framework of the project “Support of the conflict transformation in the South Caucasus and Moldova”.

Women leaders - at the training

  • Wednesday, 24 January 2024
  • 87 times

Against the background of active interaction, a training was held in Zugdidi with participation of women IDPs and heads of the homeowners’ associations of the Baramia and Lagidze streets.

Participants learned the essence of evidence-based advocacy and analyzed the process, how to identify a problem and how to solve it. Using a SWOT analysis, they assessed their own resources, strengths and weaknesses, and discussed expected risks.

The training participants selected specific problems and drew up action plans.

The reviews of the participants:

“We learned how to write an advocacy plan and assign responsibilities”.

“We will use these skills in practice when working on advocacy issues in our communities.”

The work is carried out in partnership with the Center “Abkhazeti” within the framework of the project “Support of the conflict transformation in the South Caucasus and Moldova”.

Advocacy - main topic of the training

  • Tuesday, 23 January 2024
  • 102 times

What is advocacy, how to determine an advocacy strategy, what tools and mechanisms should be used to make the process successful - these issues were discussed during the training held in Senaki. It was attended by active women leaders from IDP communities.

Using practical examples and exercises, participants interactively analyzed factors that promote and hinder advocacy. Using SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of the advocacy team were identified. In the last part of the training, participants identified problems and developed an advocacy action plan.

According to the participants, the skills acquired during the training will help them to successfully carry out the advocacy process.

The work is carried out in partnership with the Center “Abkhazeti” within the framework of the project “Support of the conflict transformation in the South Caucasus and Moldova”.

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