Senaki, Terjola, Kobuleti, Samtredia, Didi Nedzi (Zugdidi municipality) these are the places of meetings with a psychologist, where 35 beneficiaries participate in individual and group sessions. Online psychotherapy sessions were passed by 10 beneficiaries and psychotherapeutic work was carried out with 17 beneficiaries (including 3 new ones) in Kutaisi, in our office.

Results of work:

One part of the beneficiaries overcame old traumas, the other part restored their peace of mind. The crisis family began to work on resolving the conflict. 3 victims of violence were identified, with whom the sessions will continue.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

- Society should have information on how to act in case of violence, how to help the victim. The more people are informed, the more effective the response will be - this is the general opinion of the meeting participants.

Informing is an important segment in the work of the Women Support Centers, on the basis of which the problem is identified and further response is made. The meetings held in the Women Support Centers of Terjola, Kobuleti and Samtredia have already brought results: women, together with the mobilizers of the centers, are working to protect their rights and receive existing services.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Local referral entities gathered at the round table In Tkibuli: these were the members of the Gender Equality Council, representatives of local government, the police and the educational resource center, school teachers, medical staff.

During the meeting there was held a presentation of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" in terms of services for victims of violence and childcare. The conversation touched upon important issues: statistics on arresting orders, problem identification and victim assistance on a municipal level.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Women support centers are actively working in the regions so that more people have information about the issues of violence and response mechanisms.

As a result of work in the Women Support Centers of Senaki, Vani and Bagdati, new cases were revealed. The women are asking for help. Assistance mechanisms are created based on their requirements. Behind each case there are concrete women who require a special approach.

During the whole month, about 10 cases were identified, among which are families in crisis. Work with them continues actively in order to avoid domestic violence through preventive measures.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

On June 18-19 training on: “Evidence-based advocacy practice using the GREWS” - was held for the mobilizers of Women Support Centers in Kobuleti.

The participants got acquainted with the meaning and possibilities of the Gender-Based Early Warning System (GREWS); through group exercises and simulated scenes, they analyzed successful and unsuccessful cases; talked about the strategic steps of advocacy; shared the obtained results with each other in terms of responding to cases of violence; noted the challenges and focused on future strategies.

The feedback was following:

"This training was important for me and will help me to achieve great results".

"We familiarized with each other's methods and style of work, assessed the existing situation."

"We take each other's innovations and experience and we will introduce them locally".

The project is implemented with the support of the organization

Brot für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Германия)

Actual issues at mobilization meetings

  • Wednesday, 15 June 2022
  • 371 times

Discussion of cases of violence, analysis of specific cases make mobilization meetings relevant. During the information exchange, new cases are identified.

Women activists, together with the mobilizers of the Women Support Centers, try to help everyone who does not yet have courage and is in conditions of violence. They look for ways to continue working with them. Those who address the mobilizers for help are offered various services.

Such meetings were already held in the Women Support Centers of Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality). In response to identified cases, the psychologist systematically works with three women. Two families were redirected to the Rehabilitation Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi", where women and children will pass rehabilitation.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The comprehensive rehabilitation of two victims of domestic violence was conducted at the rehabilitation Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi". They also had 5 children with them. A social worker, a lawyer and a psychologist actively worked with women and a teacher worked with children.

At the end of rehabilitation, women noted:

K., 34 years old: “I have gained new strength. I fell that I am not alone, I had support and I have to be more confident. I thank our hosts for their kindness and necessary assistance. I've never felt so comfortable".

I., 31 years old: “I came here closed, anxious and hopeless. I got a lot of positive - both mentally and physically. I realized that I should become active, strong, and I still have to work on raising my self-esteem.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Information meeting in Vani

The advocacy group of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" held an information meeting in Vani City Council, which was attended by women living in the municipality, school teachers, a social worker and employees of the children's department of the City Hall.

The meeting discussed the elimination of violence against women / domestic violence and assistance to victims of violence. Participants received information about a research that was conducted in Vani municipality and concerned the promotion of women's employment - what services exist in terms of childcare and what should be improved.

Participants also learned about the importance of early intervention in behavior correction of the perpetrator and existing best practices.

The participants noted that such researches are important for the advocacy of these issues.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Koki - informational meeting

An information meeting on "Involvement of society in the elimination of domestic violence" was held in the village Koki (Zugdidi municipality).

The event, organized by the monitoring group of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" and the Khurchi/Koki Women Support Center, was attended by representatives of the Mayor in administrative units, kindergarten and school teachers, representatives of various groups of society.

Presentation of the research conducted by the Women Fund "Sukhumi" (monitoring of services for violence victims, the need to implement programs for behavior correction of a perpetrator at an early stage; strengthening the women - childcare services) was made during the meeting.

The participants of the meeting were also given information about the web page “Digital Resource Center of Services for Victims of Violence” (

Elimination of violence against women and domestic violence, assistance to the victim, strengthening the role of local governments - the emphasis was placed on these issues.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Social Networks