Meeting in Akhalsopeli

A meeting was held in the village Akhalsofel - Senaki municipality.It was attended by school representatives, teachers and parents. The coordinator of the City Hall Children's Rights and Support Department and the social worker of the same department were invited to the meeting.

The participants of the meeting got acquainted with the structure of the department, received information about existing programs, challenges and needs. In their opinion, more attention should be paid to public awareness, needs of vulnerable groups, support of crisis families.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Information meeting in Vani

The advocacy group of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" held an information meeting in the school of the village Zeda Vani (Vani municipality). The meeting was attended by school teachers, upper graders, employees of the City Hall department for children's rights and their protection, the secretary of the Gender Equality Council.

The participants got acquainted with the structure of the department, as well as with the conclusions that were made as a result of the monitoring of work in this department. They noted that they did not have such in-depth information and they already know when to contact them. Emphasis was placed on the need for cooperation between the school and the department to improve the condition of vulnerable adolescents.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Terjola: important accents

At the initiative of the advocacy group, a meeting was held at the Terjola Youth Center, where employees of the City hall Department for Children's Rights and Their Protection were invited. The meeting was attended by teachers of the Center and various schools of the municipality.

We had a goal - to familiarize the participants with the structure of the department and the area of ​​work. Information about the challenges of the department based on the conclusions of our monitoring, was provided to the audience.

It was revealed that the teachers did not know about the work and functions of the department. They raised topical issues, the emphasis was on the need for active communication with inclusive children and their parents. Teachers hope that the City Hall will support them.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

"Protection of children's rights in Chokhatauri municipality and local cooperation in terms of improving social services" - this was the topic of the information exchange meeting held with the representatives of the municipal services.

Findings of the research conducted by the Fund "Sukhumi" were introduced during the meeting. The participants got familiarized with the activities of the Children's Rights Protection and Support Department, the achieved results and challenges.

A discussion was held on the needs of the beneficiaries and areas of cooperation. Several important issues related to the needs of vulnerable families have been identified and they must be envisaged from the side of the local structures.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Discussion about challenges and needs

In the framework of the series of information meetings planned by the advocacy group, a meeting was held in the village Didi Nedzi (Zugdidi municipality), which was attended by the school administration, teachers and parents. The coordinator of the City Hall  department for children's rights and their protection and a social worker were invited to the meeting. They were provided with information about the structure of the department, about programs. The conversation touched upon existing challenges and needs.

The meeting participants talked about raising public awareness, about the necessities of children with disabilities, about ways to identify crisis families and the need to support them.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Another round table was held with the participation of local referral entities in the conference hall of the City Council.

The meeting was attended by members of the Gender Equality Council of Kobuleti City Council, representatives of the Mayor's Office, social services and the police department. Guests from the Lanchkhut City Hall were invited to the meeting - the head of the social security and health service and the social worker of the children's department shared the specifics of their work and practice with their colleagues from Kobuleti.

During the meeting, they talked about the prevention of domestic violence and the protection of the victim, about cooperation with local structures.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Round table in Terjola

The Women Fund "Sukhumi" held a round table meeting with participation of local referral entities in the conference – hall of Terjola City Council.

The meeting was attended by members of the Gender Equality Council of the City Council, representatives of the City Hall, social services and the police. The participants of the meeting spoke about violence prevention and victim protection, about social partnership. There was a presentation of a Women Fund "Sukhumi" research on monitoring of services for victims of violence. Emphasis was placed on the problem of violence and the prospects for cooperation with local structures.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Local referral entities gathered at the round table In Tkibuli: these were the members of the Gender Equality Council, representatives of local government, the police and the educational resource center, school teachers, medical staff.

During the meeting there was held a presentation of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" in terms of services for victims of violence and childcare. The conversation touched upon important issues: statistics on arresting orders, problem identification and victim assistance on a municipal level.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Information meeting in Vani

The advocacy group of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" held an information meeting in Vani City Council, which was attended by women living in the municipality, school teachers, a social worker and employees of the children's department of the City Hall.

The meeting discussed the elimination of violence against women / domestic violence and assistance to victims of violence. Participants received information about a research that was conducted in Vani municipality and concerned the promotion of women's employment - what services exist in terms of childcare and what should be improved.

Participants also learned about the importance of early intervention in behavior correction of the perpetrator and existing best practices.

The participants noted that such researches are important for the advocacy of these issues.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Social Networks