Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.

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Within the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”, Imereti Scientists’ Union "Spectri" held another consultative meeting with the representatives of Guria Civil Society Organizations involved in the project.

Representatives of Lanchkhuti Information Center and the Georgian Rural Hall (Lanchkhuti), the Center for Education and Equality and the Young Teachers' Union (Ozurgeti) took an active part in the meeting.

The meeting discussed such issues as duration of the needs’ research in implementation of a roadmap for Public Administration Reform in Ozurgeti and Lanchkhuti municipalities and the process of preparation of project proposals for the grant competition. It should be noted that in both municipalities, the needs/research of various target groups is being successfully implemented. The process is coming to an end and its results will be announced in the near future.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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An online consultation was held for applicant organizations, working in Tsageri and Ambrolauri municipalities regarding the filling rules of draft project application forms. The Fund of Women Entrepreneurs organized a consultation of a highly qualified specialist Ekaterine Gamakharia, who held a training / webinar on the topic "Development of Projects and Grant Applications" on April 22. In addition to organizations from Racha-Lechkhumi the webinar was attended by civil society organizations of Guria and Imereti.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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4 мая состоялась очередная встреча партнеров проекта «Общий форум для организаций гражданского общества Гурии, Имерети и Рача-Лечхуми с целью мониторинга дорожной карты реформы государственного управления PAR».

На встрече были рассмотрены процесс оценки местных потребностей в целевых муниципалитетах, а также запланированные в мае мероприятия и вопросы эффективного осуществления медиа-кампании проекта.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Our organization is planning to represent a successful European model – online platform “Voter Advice Application” to raise the voters` awareness before the elections. “Voter Advice Application” implies the creation of the online platform. By answering the application questions, the citizens will be enabled to get acquainted with the position of political entities. It will help the voter to identify the political entity close to his/her views and to make an informed and reasonable choice.

Despite the emergency state in the country caused by Covid-19, Fund “Sukhumi” continues implementation of the project "Online Vote-O-Meter for 2020 Georgian Parliamentary Elections" supported by Visegrad International Fund.

At the given stage, the questionnaire is being worked out. It will imply different acute issued, including those caused by Covid-19. Through the distance work, the influence made on society by the virus has been studied. In the monitoring framework, more than 300 respondents have been questioned.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund


Despite state of Emergencies declared in Georgia due to the Covid-19 virus, the Fund “Sukhumi” continues implementation of the project "Online Voice Electronic Counter for Parliamentary Elections 2020" supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

The project team switched to online-work mode. An advocacy strategy was developed, which outlines detailed ways and approaches for cooperation with political parties, as well as a specific action plan for informing citizens about the “online Voting Meter” enhancing their electoral activity.

In response to the current challenges, the advocacy strategy sets out an action plan for online/distant cooperation with political parties and citizens, defines specific state institutions, decision makers, civil society representatives with whom Fund Sukhumi will actively cooperate and pursue achievement of the project goals and objectives – raising awareness of citizens in electoral process and programs/platforms of political parties and to the best possible extent ensure their participation in the 2020 parliamentary elections.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

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Since March 16, the Fund "Sukhumi" is in remote mode. The staff members have active communication with each other. General meetings are held on the Internet platform, project work is reviewed, plans are discussed. As a result of using various online methods in April, all activities were carried out.

The active work of the organization is reflected on Facebook - page


On April 15, an online meeting was held with Bagdati civil society organizations:  “Support now” and the Union of Persons with Disabilities “Faith and Hope”.

At the meeting, the questionnaire process was summarized with the aim to assess regional needs for the implementation of public administration reform PAR at local level. An in-depth interview questionnaire was also considered, and an interview process was planned to implement project activities in the current situation.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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Фонд Женщин-предпринимателей, исходя из создавшейся ситуации, дистанционно сотрудничает с партнерскими организациями в Цагери и Амбролаури по проекту «Общий форум для организаций гражданского общества Гурии, Имерети и Рача-Лечхуми с целью мониторинга дорожной карты реформы государственного управления PAR».

Примечательно, что запланированные в рамках проекта активности осуществляются по графику посредством  онлайн консультаций и телефонной коммуникации. В апреле онлайн консультации состоялись с представителями гражданских организаций Амбролаури - Ресурс центр самоуправления Рача-Лечхуми и Квемо Сванети и «Региональный хаб Рача-Лечхуми и Квемо Сванети – Абхазинтерконт», а также с организациями гражданского общества Цагери «Активный гражданин – отчето-обязанная власть» и «Центр Цагери по правам женщин и равенства».

На онлайн встречах была рассмотрена  специфика проведения запланированных по проекту углубленных интервью, формат проведения тренинга, а также все вызовы, которые должны быть решены в результате дистанционной работы.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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On April 7 and 11, two online meetings were held with civil society organizations in Khoni.

The first meeting was held with members of the IDP Initiative Group Zaza Kalandia and Bachana Basilaia. The second meeting was attended by the chairman of Education and Development Center “Edelweiss” - Nazi Jikia and member of the organization - Tamar Gendzekhadze.

The working process related to the questionnaire was reviewed, as well as plans regarding the creation of working groups in which members of the Gender Council will be represented.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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An online working meeting was held with civil society organizations of Terjola Municipality - Union for the Protection of Children's Rights and Civic Education "Children - the Future of Georgia" and the Women's Initiative Group.

It was noted that in this difficult situation, it was still possible to contact the target groups and continue to work in terms of local needs assessment. Despite the fact that technical problems often appear due to the low speed of the Internet, the process has begun, respondents have been selected, the survey is being conducted using the methods of survey and in-depth interviews.

So actively was carried out the implementation of  the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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