Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.

Concerning the reform of the project of the manual for IDPs, several meetings took place, at which people express their opinions. Of particular interest are considerations of state employees, thst is why an in-depth interview was conducted with Zaza Chachava, the head of the Representative Office of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia in Imereti, Racha-Lechkhumi.

The meeting was held within the framework of the project "Inclusion of NGOs working on issues of social protection in the strategic dialogue in Georgia" (funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic).

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 


On September 11 representatives of the organization International Alert - Eurasia Program Manager Sofia Pagsley and a Camille Market came to the Fund "Sukhumi". With the support of this organization, the fund “Sukhumi” carried out more several projects. The guests got acquainted with the directions of our work, with peacekeeping activity and plans for the future.


On September 5, a council of advisers was held in Khoni Sakrebulo.

Participants of the meeting listened to information on current social projects, on the local organization of social services, on the Women's Support Center of the fund “Sukhumi”. And also got acquainted with the results of monitoring of social budget implemented by the gender marker.

The members of the Council expressed the hope that the document of the priorities of 2018 will reflect the issues envisaged in the strategy and action plan for social inclusion - in this way the local authority undertakes to continue the services introduced by project supported by the organization PIN.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 



In August one more important group of the Fund “Sukhumi” worked actively - the Monitoring Group on the Implementation of the Law of Georgia on the Elimination of Domestic Violence, on the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and their Assistance.

There were held indepth interviews with gender advisors of Tskaltubo and Senaki Sakrebulo, also focus-groups with the members of Gender Advisory Councils, created in these municipalities.

During the meetings there was revealed that local governments are aware of necessity of their participation in the issues of violence prevention. They consider it as a results of cooperation with the FS.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Representatives of 5 countries (Ukraine, Armenia, Russia, Georgia, Germany), participants in the project "Overcoming the consequences of the war together" made another educational trip from 25 to 30 of July in Georgia. They visited 10 organizations: in Kutaisi - "Center for Education and Employment", Kutaisi branch of the Association of Young Lawyers, Union of Educators "Education and the Universe"; In Tbilisi - Association of Women of IDPs "Tankhmoba"; DRC; The Abkhazeti Center; In Gori-the organization “Gantiadi”; In Poti - "Lasika"; In Zugdidi - "Saunje"; In Batumi - "Center for Development and Education".

Theme of the meetings: "Exchange of experience in the field of successful practices of integration of internally displaced persons and refugees".

The participants had an opportunity to get acquainted with the diverse work of Georgian NGOs: the introduction of long-term programs for the social and economic integration of IDPs, information and legal support for IDPs, the development of a Strategy for IDPs, advocacy for IDP problems; Work with young people to integrate into the local community, resettlement of IDPs, their employment.

Participants received not only general information, but also answers to questions of interest to them. They rated the meetings as useful and noted that they would apply the experience of Georgian partners in their work.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization

DRA – Deutsch-Russischer Austausch (Germany)


The meeting was held in Tbilisi, Charity – Humanitarian Center “Abkhazia”. This was one of the meetings during educational of representatives of 5 countries (Ukraine, Armenia, Russia, Georgia, Germany) on the issue: "Overcoming the consequences of the war together".

Information regarding this meeting was printed in the bulletin of the Center “Abkazia”.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization

DRA – Deutsch-Russischer Austausch (Germany)



On the 18th July, Fund “Sukhumi” carried out a meeting on sharing information and experience with local self-governments of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti. The meeting was organized at the meeting room of the Regional Administration in Zugdidi. Local and international organizations took part in the meeting. The first meeting of the same format was carried out in Kutaisi with participation of local self-governments of Imereti region.

Representatives of Fund “Sukhumi” provided participants with the information about the project supported by the Visegrad Foundation. The project aims at advocacy for equal, inclusive and democratic governance at local level with consideration of experiences of the leading countries of Europe.

Participants were interested in the Czech experience in terms of citizens’ inclusion in equal governance at the local level; which “gender markers” are applied for analysis of a socio-demographic picture of the persons’ included in programs; Georgia’s practice on civic participation and results of cooperation between the local government, civil society groups and international organizations. Representative of PIN and UNDP shared successful practice of the projects on social inclusion.

Attendees talked about an effective mechanism – Municipal Gender Equality Councils established to promote democratic governance. Fund “Sukhumi” representatives shared their experience in institutionalization of this mechanism, and the Fund’s expertize applied by the Municipalities.

Materials of the meeting will be useful for the fulfilment of the project goals and objectives, which coincide with the declared principles of the State policy - definition of the main directions of the gender policy of the State and support for the adoption of new concepts; creation of the legislative base in the sphere of gender equality, ensuring gender development and promoting harmonization with international treaties.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund 

A meeting on the topic "Reform for IDPs" was held at the Khoni representation of the Social Services Agency. Participants considered different versions in the framework of the discussion of this issue and fixed their views.

(Project of PIN - «Involvement of NGOs working on issues of social protection, in the strategic dialogue in Georgia" - funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic).

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 


The regular meeting of the Advisors Council on Social Issues was held in the hall of Khoni Sakrebulo.

Subjects: brief overview of the progress of projects financed by PIN; Social priorities of the municipality - recommendations for the "Priority Document"; A brief report of the work of organizations representing social services (Panacea, Green Regions, IDP Integration Center); The project of the online platform for global employment "Digital citizen" - as the prospects for implementing the social strategy of Khoni.

At the meeting, new initiatives were identified for the implementation of a more effective social policy. There was a discussion about social assistance on the needs of the beneficiaries. The conversation touched on the challenges existing in the service of preschool education. A joint strategy of self-government and civic groups was planned to expand the activities of the Day Center for Young Persons with Disabilities.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 

A seminar for municipality representatives from Georgia was held in the NGO Gender Studies, Czech Republic, in June 2017. The topic of the seminar was the gender mainstreaming and NGO participation on gender equality in Czech Republic.

Clara Kozlova – an expert involved in the project of Fund “Sukhumi” – “Learning from Visegrad 4 Experience to Advocate for Equal, Inclusive and Democratic Local Governance”, financed by the Visegrad Foundation, told the seminar participants about the project and a research conducted by the experts of 5 countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Georgia), for policy documents on gender mainstreaming in local authorities in the context of European integration.

The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund 

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