An online training was held for the representatives of the Forum for Civil Society Organizations, the aim of which was a brief overview of the essence, stages and forms of advocacy. During the training, discussions and group work, participants discussed the factors hindering the proper implementation of public administration reform at the local level, identified and analyzed the target groups and stakeholders. The training developed the working document for the advocacy of the needs at the regional and national level in the municipalities, which will be the basis for a joint advocacy strategy of the representatives of the Forum for Civil Society Organizations and the Fund "Sukhumi" at the regional and national levels.

Three new organizations in Terjola

Three new civil society organizations have been established in Terjola - as envisaged in the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

This is one of the good results of the project, as there are few organizations in Terjola that work to address the needs of civil society.

During the meeting these organizations talked about the plans. One of the most important in these plans, is a grant competition, in which new organizations will be actively involved, and this will be a good start in their activities.

“Involving parents in school life - cooperation in activities against gender stereotypes and violence” - a meeting of round format was held on this topic. Among the participants there were students, parents, teachers, representatives of different spheres of society.

They got acquainted with the publication of the Fund "Sukhumi" - “Schools against challenges of gender equality, gender stereotypes and domestic violence”. They talked about the dangers of gender discrimination, about cooperation between teachers and parents in terms of protecting young people from violence. They touched upon the problems caused by the covid-19 pandemic and their solutions. The discussed issues were relevant for all participants, and the meeting was active. Information about the round table was published in the newspaper "New Education".

New working year in the Youth Clubs of the Fund "Sukhumi" started on January 16 with interesting meetings. The topic "Early Marriages" motivated the participants for an open discussion. They talked about stereotypical thinking, the role of parents and society. They gave examples of how a family created at an early age failed, how a 17-18 year old girl was left alone with a child. They underlined not only health or psychological, but also education and employment problems.

It was noted that young people should have responsible attitude towards marriage, and such discussions contribute to it.

Online meetings were held with students from 10 public schools. One part of the Youth Club members has already held informational meetings with peers on the topic of early marriage, and the second part plans to talk about this topical issue.

Poti, Kutaisi, Terjola, Kobuleti, Etseri (Samtredia municipality), Nosiri (Senaki municipality), Koki (Zugdidi municipality), Khajalia (Lanchkhuti municipality), Gurianta (Ozurgeti municipality), Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality), Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality) - the geography of the Youth Clubs is diverse.

Online psychological and legal assistance

  • Monday, 25 January 2021
  • 1005 times

In January, 6 online group meetings of psychologist and lawyer were held for the beneficiaries of the Women Support Centers from Khoni, Senaki, Tskaltubo, Kobuleti, Khurcha(Zugdidi municipality), Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality) - 35 people from 28 to 67 years old took participated.

The conversation was about how to manage negative emotions, and why it is so important in the situation of pandemic and domestic violence.

Couples and individual beneficiaries from different regions of Western Georgia also receive psychotherapeutic and legal consultation. This free service, is a great assistancefor them.

Online January of the forum theater

The life of the forum theater in January is held online, but quite actively. Facebook page of the Fund "Sukhumi" presents videos and photo collages prepared by young actors. A new section has begun - all actors of the forum theater will record a personal video.

The rehearsal period is actively continuing. The plan for February is already developed. The forum theater group hopes to meet with the audience soon ...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Plan of active work from the new year - this was the main topic at the online meeting, in which  civil society organizations of Vani took part. These organizations are: "Support 2020" and "Citizens' activity for effective governance and justice". During the meeting, a presenter was selected, who will present the results of the organizations' work at the end of the month.

The conversation also touched upon the third monitoring of the grant competition, in which organizations will take an active part.

The online meeting was attended by the civil society organizations “Equality Now” and “Civil Spectrum - Equality” registered in Baghdati. The agenda of the forum, the issue of the presentation of the organizations’ work and the topic of the third monitoring were discussed. They also talked about the grant competition, which will be announced at the end of February. These organizations already have concrete ideas for project proposals.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

For teenagers, it was surprising that "nicknames" often are the cause of conflicts. According to them, if another name comes from a surname, for example, Antiya - Anto, Mebonia - Mebo, this is not hurtful, but if it indicates a flaw, it can cause a conflict.

Regular online workshops on: "Skills for peaceful resolution of conflicts" were held with members of the conflict management group.

The conflict expert of the Fund "Sukhumi" introduced them to these skills. They learned what rules they should use to avoid conflict escalation. They were sent a list of skills in messenger groups.

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