10 families - 26 people from Ukraine

  • Monday, 24 July 2023
  • 118 times

- 76-year-old Temur Chogovadze from Kharkov, came with his son from his second wife. His wife died during Covid - tells psychologist Manana Gotsiridze. - He returned to his parents' house, he had a place to return, but for such long period the house was in bad condition, the roof let the rain through. We met him at his house. He has health problems. He was a pilot, lived in Ukraine all his life, receives a Ukrainian pension, but with interruptions, both father and son are often left without money. Neighbors help according to their possibility. Our organization also provides food and tax assistance.

This is one of the beneficiaries of the psychologist of the Women Fund "Sukhumi".

In July, psychological assistance was provided to 10 families - these are 26 refugees from Ukraine. All of them received humanitarian assistance with the necessary products. Two beneficiaries pass individual psychotherapeutic sessions - this is work with traumas, stress and the removal of negative emotions. Everyone who comes from Ukraine needs such assistance...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

New target groups appear in the work of the Women Support Centers. Women of various professions are interested in information about support services for victims of domestic violence.

Information helps the identification process, and in July new cases were already registered at the Women Support Centers of Senaki, Vani, Khobi, Kobuleti and Chokhatauri. This means that women who are especially in need of strengthening will receive appropriate services.

Mobilizers are actively working in the field of problem advocacy. They cooperate with structures that are the main actors in this process.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Innovation in Terjola

The Women Fund "Sukhumi" opened cutting and sewing training courses in Terjola. The opening ceremony was attended by Mayor of Terjola Manuchar Robakidze, First Deputy Chairman of the City Council David Gogberashvili and member of the Gender Equality Council Rusudan Kovziridze.

The beneficiaries will learn a new profession for two and a half months. The municipality allocated a working space in the Youth Palace. Sewing machines, materials and financial support for the teacher are provided by the Fund “Sukhumi”.

“We teach the simple secret of success and independent living - a profession that will make a woman even stronger and more confident. We have many examples of how women became more motivated after such courses and started small businesses. We are sure that we will have new success stories in Terjola as well,” said project coordinator Lela Jalagonia.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Solution of the problem in Khoni

  • Friday, 21 July 2023
  • 143 times

The problem advocated by Khoni Women Initiative Group concerned the houses where the drains had not yet been replaced. They have already been cleaned, and the problem is partially solved.

Information meetings with the population continue actively. Residents are informed about how important it is to have a program in the local budget, within the framework of which homeowners' associations, together with local governments, will be able to implement infrastructure projects. By registering a petition, it will be possible to initiate changes in the local budget.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

The work of women's mutual assistance groups is gradually becoming more active. Meetings were held in all ten groups. Project Assistant Nino Chabukiani met with members of the group in five municipalities (Tskaltubo, Samtredia, Kobuleti, Terjola, Chokhatauri) - the meetings focused on the needs and problems of women, advocacy and cooperation with local government.

Women know that they need to study more to advocate for their interests, so a new component was added to the meetings - digital literacy courses. The courses have already started in the municipalities of Kobuleti, Terola and Chokhatauri. During the meetings, the women learned how to search for the necessary information on the Internet, got acquainted with the unique platform - sosfsokhumi.ge, which contains the necessary materials for victims of violence. This work helps to increase the digital competence of the team members.

A member of one of the mutual assistance groups is currently undergoing psycho-rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" in order to return home stronger and work more actively in the group.

The project also envisages transfer of mobile phones with an SOS application to make it easier for women to protect themselves and their children. In July, telephones were given to women living in Terjola municipality. The Mayor of Terjola Manuchar Robakidze and Deputy Chairman of City Council David Gogberashvili took part in the action of support.

The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

Another information exchange meeting was held at the initiative of the Mandatory Service. During the meeting, the Mandatory Service presented a summary of their half-year results and shared the latest news. The meeting was attended by our representative, Nino Korinteli, who shared the findings and challenges from our new monitoring report titled - "Assessment of Effectiveness of Municipalities' Preventive Measures to Combat Violence Against Women/Domestic Violence."

Senaki women initiative group worked on an advocacy plan for 2 problems identified as a result of the research. The women also discussed the risks that may arise during the advocacy process. The members of the youth group evaluated the mini-projects. Arranging debates using forum-theater was a novelty for them. The participants believe that through the mini-project they saw their own role in violence prevention.

An online meeting was held with Tskaltubo Women Initiative Group. The meeting discussed the problems identified in the IDP settlement. The most urgent problem that is on the agenda today is the issue of the roof.

The initiative group again held a meeting using the principle of "one window" in Tskaltubo City Hall, which was attended by the Mayor of the city Genadi Balanchivadze, the head of the infrastructure service Malkhaz Chkhaidze, the head of Imereti department of the IDP Agency David Cheishvili and representatives of the initiative group.

The women initiative group continues to actively advocate the problem.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

An information meeting was held online with members of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group. The meeting discussed the dynamics of advocacy of priority issues. The group is constantly working with local government on these problems. For a quick response, the leaders of the group once again prepared a letter addressed to the Mayor of the city and the Gender Equality Council.

The initiative group began to identify new issues and drafted an advocacy plan.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Social Networks