Peace starts with you - with this slogan, the Women Initiative Group of the village Pakhulani - Tsalenjikha municipality celebrated the International Day of Peace. According to the women, peace has no alternative. They also talked about their role and capabilities.

International Day of Peace was celebrated by the Youth Initiative Group of the village Didinedzi - Zugdidi municipality. They once again talked about the importance of peace and the role of young people in peace processes. "The Day of Peace should be dedicated to the strengthening of the idea of peace...this day will be a reminder to all peoples, that the United Nations is a living tool in the peace process and it should serve each of us and remind us of our commitment, peace is above all interests and differences" – members of Didinedzi Women Initiative Group spoke about this important issue written in the resolution and adopted by the United Nations in 1981.

Peace begins with us, we all create local peace, that's why we need to join forces to create global peace - Tskaltubo Women Initiative Group joined the celebration of the International Day of Peace with this position. Members of Tskaltubo youth group held peaceful actions. During the information meetings, they talked about the role of young people in peace processes.

The meeting held by Kutaisi Youth Club was dedicated to the International Day of Peace. The leader of the club made a presentation. The members received information about the history and significance of this day. The second part of the presentation was devoted to the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the discussion of ways to resolve them. Members of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group gathered to discuss the dynamics of the advocacy process. According to the advocacy plan, the members of the group are ready to work on the chosen problem. They also met the director of the target school, introduced the purpose of cooperation and set a future plan.

International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21. The Women Initiative Group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality joined the campaign. "Let’s make a promise, that we will teach our children tolerance and respect of others. Let's fight for peace and protect it as far as we can" - these were the main messages voiced by the women. As for the youth initiative group of the village Koki, on the International Day of Peace, they once again mentioned that poverty, exhaustible natural resources, inequality, corruption, racism and xenophobia are the best ground for conflict between different groups. According to them, the International Day of Peace is dedicated to the fight against these reasons of conflicts!

With our thoughts we are often either in the past or in the future, but in reality everything happens only “here and now”. Mindful person pays attention to the present moment and lives fully.

Mindfulness means full concentration of attention “here and now”.

Mainly this method was used at the training held in Batumi and with our help, 6 Ukrainian women from Kutaisi went to participate in it.

During the training, interesting issues were raised: how to overcome anxiety, how to calm down and love yourself, etc. The women learned a number of exercises. They were satisfied with the training, since this is everything that each of them and their family members need before returning home.

Similar trainings will be conducted with other groups.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Our assistant Sophie Tsirghvava received many massages from Ukrainian women.

- Thank you and your team for this assistance, with these vouchers we bought many things that we couldn’t afford before.

- We bought school supplies for the children.

- There were discounts on many things, 1+1, and we took a lot of products.

- We bought a lot of things with discounts. God bless you!

In order to support Ukrainian refugees, the organization bought supermarket vouchers instead of a ready-made package with food and hygiene products

Beneficiaries were given vouchers with different amounts of money.

In September, 180 vouchers worth 100 Gel were issued - depending on the number of family members, Ukrainians received one, two or three vouchers. Assistance was provided to 110 families.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

New Opportunities for the Advocacy of the Issue

  • Tuesday, 19 September 2023
  • 182 times

Exchange of information regarding the advocacy of the identified problems is important For Senaki Women’s Working Group. The problems of roof and rain channels are still prior on the agenda.

The meeting participants spoke about the need to solve problems at the central level. They got acquainted with the agenda of the conference planned in Tbilisi at the end of the month.

- The conference will be attended by the ministries that are responsible for the issues that will be presented at the conference. According to the group members, after voicing their problems, new opportunities for their solution will appear.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Women Initiative Group started with the discussion of the topic of peace. The members of the group use the peace strategy that has already been developed by the Fund “Sukhumi”. Based on the strategy, the participants planned activities that would promote the introduction of a culture of peace. During the meeting held with the youth group, the participants talked about the importance of peace and the necessity of involving young people in this process. The members of the group held actions and expressed their position on September 21 - the International Day of Peace.

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