On September 24-28, training for the young project participants on the importance and experience of establishing a youth forum-theatre was held in Istanbul.

Youth clubs from different regions and communities were actively involved in the working process. The participants gained knowledge about the founders of the Forum-theater, their role and importance in understanding current life problems and finding their solutions. The various exercises and tasks offered by the trainers made the training more creative, interesting and fun. The participants were able to independently prepare scenarios and stage small scenes. Young people acquired new knowledge, skills, experience, got acquainted with each other better, drafted future plans to introduce Forum- Theater in their clubs.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Discussion of the problem of Abkhazeti Street in the IDP settlement was held using the "one window" principle in Tskaltubo Municipality.

As a result of the needs research of the problem of the damaged roof of residential buildings VII-VIII was chosen for advocacy.

IDPs from Abkhazia, representatives of the Government of the Abkhazian Autonomous Republic in Imereti region, representatives of Tskalutbo City Hall, the Gender Equality Council and all departments whose competence includes effective influence on the problem, were the participants of this format.

During the meeting, ways to resolve the issue were shown. Other problems were also identified: there is no kindergarten, the basements are flooded, the yard is polluted – in the near future, representatives of various departments will take responsibility to solve these problems.

The participants of the meeting noted the effectiveness of the meeting held by the "one window" principle.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

In order to solve the problem selected by the Khoni women's network in the IDP settlement, a meeting using the “One window” principle was held at the community education center.

The following problem was selected for advocacy: Demolition of old buildings in the former military settlement.

The meeting was attended by IDP women, a member of the City Council, representatives of the City Hall Spatial Arrangement and Infrastructure service, Economic Development and Architecture departments.

The process of advocacy will continue at the central level, the local self-government will be actively involved in the process.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Meeting in Zugdidi City Hall

  • Wednesday, 21 September 2022
  • 245 times

Women Fund "Sukhumi" held a meeting with "one window" principle in the meeting hall of Zugdidi City Hall.

The following issue was selected for advocacy: construction of a new, typical building with modern standards for the Kindergarten "Tsitelkuda" (“Red Riding Hood”) in Ingiri community.

The meeting was held in a hybrid method and was attended both on site and online by invited guests - Representatives of the Office of the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality, a representative of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia, the Chairman of Zugdidi Municipality City Council, representatives of Abkhazian territorial unit, a representative of the Mayor in Ingiri community, IDPs from Abkhazia and local women.

The result of the meeting is that the local self-government will be actively involved in the advocacy process and it will continue at the central level.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Training for Senaki youth initiative group

  • Wednesday, 21 September 2022
  • 201 times

Some of the participants attended the training for the first time and really liked this form of teaching. The experienced ones were were more actively involved in work.

Why the conflict analysis is needed? How to manage conflict? The teenagers talked about these and many other issues with the trainer.

The training was held for Senaki  Youth Initiative Group. Various methods - discussion, game, group work, presentations - made the training process fun and interesting.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

September 21 - International Day of Peace.

  • Wednesday, 21 September 2022
  • 185 times

September 21 - International Day of Peace - has been celebrated by the UN General Assembly since 1981.

Fund "Sukhumi" also celebrated this day and dedicated a number of activities to it - informational meetings and actions that continued during a month.

This day is very important for us, because it is the best expression of what is the main goal of our work and what do we want to achieve.

About 20 meetings on this topic were held with Women and Youth Initiative Groups in target municipalities, members of the groups took part in actions and joined the international campaign.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

With the initiative of the Fund "Sukhumi", the problem of IDPs was discussed with "one window" principle in Senaki City Hall. The problem concerns the absence of a sewage system in the former military settlement (where mainly IDPs from Abkhazia live).

Before advocacy, the necessary documents, photos and video materials, signatures, and video clips were prepared.

The meeting was attended by IDPs, civil activists, Deputy Mayor Levan Eliava, representatives of various services of the City Hall.

Discussions were held on the ways and means of solving the problem using documentary materials. Individual authorities also spoke about their own responsibility in relation to the problem.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Kutaisi IDP Women Initiative Group held a meeting using the proven and successful "one window" method.

According to the agenda, the problems identified as a result of the needs research were discussed. Among them is the rehabilitation of the short road (260m) leading to the IDP settlement "Kotejebi". This section of the road does not belong to Kutaisi municipality and it needs to be handed over to the city. An opportunity to solve the problem was already found and it will be solved in a short period of time.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Day of Ukrainian Cuisine - in Fund "Sukhumi"

  • Thursday, 15 September 2022
  • 209 times

Women and children from Kherson, Odessa, Kyiv, Bucha, Chuguev... Women Fund "Sukhumi" has become their home - here they understand their pain, help and support them.

In June, the staff of the Fund prepared Georgian dishes for these women with their own hands, invited them to the Fund and laid a delicious Georgian table - “supra”.

Then was the suggestion for Ukrainian women to do the same in response.

On a sunny September day, pretty women - Marina, Anya, Zhanna, Natalya, Tatyana brought delicious dishes. The table was set in the yard: borsch with sour cream, Kyiv cutlets, pancakes with apples, Lviv cheesecakes, dumplings with cabbage, potatoes, cheese – in a word, a lot of delicious dishes.

It was not only an exhibition of Ukrainian cuisine. These were sad stories of women, memories of Abkhazia, emotional speeches of invited guests...

The Day of Ukrainian Cuisine at the Women Fund "Sukhumi" was at the same time a day of tears and joy, pain and faith in victory, the day of hope, friendship and love!

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

für die Welt - EvangelischerEntwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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