The first stage of computer courses in Terjolawas finished. Participants received the following phases: the basics of the Windows operating system, the basics of using Word text processor, text editing, text layout, printing and much more.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


Rukhi, Orulu, natsuluku, Odishi, Chkhoushi, Kulishkari, Rike, Urta – the ordinary fifth training was attended by representatives of these administrative units of Zugdidi Municipality.

Training was held by the trainers of the fund “Sukhumi” in frames of the project: "Cooperation with local government – prevention of domestic violence and protection of victims" (funded by Zugdidi Municipality Gamgeoba and co-financed by the fund "Sukhumi").

Participants of the training paid attention to the discussed issues and realized roles and responsibilities of the local government in prevention of domestic violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On May 7 and 9 in the Youth House of Terjola, there was held a training on “Basis of accounting system”. The training was participated by 30 young people from 16 to 29 years old. 20 participants of computer and accounting courses and 10 new participants.

At the end of the training the participants were given possibility to write business plan and submit to the commission. The winner will be awarded with the prize.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN
(donor - World Bank)


Fund “Sukhumi” started to implement the project “Development of the Youth on the new Step”. There will be held courses of professional re-training for the youth from socially unprotected families, who are the participants of the project. They will learn: accounting, computer skills, small business management. On March 15 there was held the first lesson in accounting. The courses will be given to 2 groups with 15 persons per each.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


Czech organization “People in Need” funded the project of the fund “Sukhumi”. The project includes the youth from socially unprotected families and envisages availability of professional trainings, accounting, computer skills, small business management.

This will contribute to more possibility of employment and improvement of social background of the families. The project is implemented in Terjola - youth center.

On March 10 the first lesson of computer class began. The courses will be passed by 2 groups, 15 people per each.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


Project of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (GAC) "Strengthening of the gender aspects for active inclusion in the formation of local gender policies" is on the next step. The project is co-financing by Kutaisi City Hall and the fund "Sukhumi".

In April there was held regional conference and om May 13 there was the a training for the students. Participants heard information regarding the issues of gender equality, familiarized with the structures and priorities of the budget, realized effectiveness of involving students in preparation of recommendations while forming local budget.

The training was attended by the students if three universities of Kutaisi. According the project they will continue conducting workshops on gender issues in the university of A.Tsereteli, in Kutaisi branch of Tbilisi State University.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



Computer courses and sewing courses are in the active phase in frames of the project “promotion of professional development of Tskaltubo youth”.

This component of the project gained broad response from the side of local population, as similar courses are not available financially. For the given period the courses of sewing are attended by 8 young people and computer courses by 15 ones.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)
Under co-financing of local government and fund “Sukhumi” one more project began in Batumi, which will be implemented by Batumi GAC in partnership with the youth organization “Academy of Public Development”.
By the opinion of project authors service, chosen by them of pre-school gender education is too innovative in Georgia and is on the way of early education of development. Project idea was raised on the basis of researches conducted by the GAC, as there is a lack of teachers and parents in educational process and alienation of men from this process.
On the given phase there is held consultation with the unity of kindergartens, which welcomes beginning of the project and considers that the project will make noticeable share in development of pre-school gender education.
In the project there will be involved local qualified staff. Each of them has relevant education and experience. The project is also important by the fact that it will ensure employment of the local staff and promote to creation of working group.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State




On February 8-10 in Tskaltubo there was held a training on: “Monitoring of self-government budget”. It was attended by target organizations, representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” among them. The gained knowledge will be used during the monitoring of social part of municipal budget and while preparing relevant recommendations. The project is implemented by Czech organization “People in Need” and Center of Strategic Research and development of Georgia.

(Project of PIN - «Involvement of NGOs working on issues of social protection, in the strategic dialogue in Georgia" - funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic).

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 


In frames of the project “Contributing to the professional development of young people in Tskhaltubo” there was held a training in methodology of project writing with young people. The aim of the training – development of skills or project writing among the youth. The training was held on the background of active inclusion. As a results there were elaborated 3 project ideas, which will be submitted to the local government and donor organizations.

The training was attended by the head of department of culture and sport, who familiarized them with the information about local programs.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)

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