Ordinary workshop was held in conflict management with women groups in Kutaisi, khoni, Khurcha.
The discussion was held on: how the problem of violence is reflected in media, how the stories, showing domestic conflicts react on society. The participants mentioned that informational space became very aggressive and the negative information make the society more tensed, which is finished negatively.
Discussion was interesting in Khoni, village Goch-Jikhaishi. By the opinion of participants, facts of domestic conflicts are numerous, there are victims of violence, but though the problem is not publicized broadly.
All groups mentioned that media is a good mechanism in prevention of violence, but is should be delivered to the society in a way, that will not cause aggression.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Workshop, held in the fund “Sukhumi” was devoted to the international day of psychical health. The topic of the workshop – “Identification of crisis families and following intervention”. The workshop was conducted by the psychologist of the fund “Sukhumi”. Mobilizers heard information, of how to identify crisis families, how to overcome supposed problems, how to behave if the woman or a child is a violence victim…mobilizers were given specially prepared guidelines and advises.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
In workshops held in Kutaisi, Tskhaltubo and Senaki, young people fix their positions regarding women's rights. Most of them believe that informing about their own right should take place at an early age, as the violence begins with the violation of their rights.
During the discussions, the participants gave real-world examples and analyzed how much they know about their rights, is a compromise solution to the problem and whether they can effectively manage conflict situations.
- Violence against women in our country is one of the most serious problems, caused by the shortage of information. We will continue discussion on this subject, as the girls must know their rights. This will greatly help us to avoid conflict situations, in order not to be in the role of the victim, - said one of the participants.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany
The topic of work-shops with the youth was – personal conflicts and their negative influence on domestic conflicts.
The participants openly spoke, how to rule their emotions and what methods are used to stop the conflict.
The young people consider that views of generations change. The current generation is more fighting and does not like to back down. In some cases it is perceived as tragedy to say - I'm sorry ... Personal confrontation creates a good basis for the development of family conflicts.
According to participants, the problem is that young people do not have information about the conflict and cannot control their emotions.
Information obtained at the workshops will help them to explore themselves and to properly manage family conflicts.
Workshops were held in Koki, Khoni, Kutaisi with participation of 37 people.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Incorrect self-evaluation is directly connected with violence. If you have high level of self-evaluation, you may become the rapist. Low self-evaluation makes you a victim – so the young people think, who participated in the work-shops in Tskaltubo, Poti, and Senaki.
Diversity of opinions were held on: what are our efforts to avoid violence.
-I try to prove my advantage during conflict situation, which is a barrier in relations for me. It is caused by me high self-evaluation level and it is not right. In order to manage conflicts, we must have correct self-evaluation – similar opinion was announced after discussion.
Totally 46 young people took part in wor-shops. The pupils plan to continue discussion in their schools with their followers.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In Kutaisi, Khoni and Tskaltubo workshops with women were held on actual issues: how is gender equality connected with violation against women, is the conflict caused by incorrect allocation of functions in family, what stereotypes form inequality model in our society.
Participants consider that traditional Georgian family discriminates women. Most of women obey to it, but those who try to ruin stereotypes, often become victims of violence.
While discussions with the women there were expressed opinions regarding possibility of creation of gender equality in family. By general point of view, meaning of equality should be equally explained to society and it is necessary to conduct discussions on these issues.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


“Gender, gender roles, gender education in pre-school premises” – the work-shop on this issue was held in the fund “Sukhumi” for the staff of kindergarten unity. They learned more about the topic of gender and importance of gender approach in the process of work with the children. There were held discussions. At the end of the work-shop the participants expressed will to continue conversation and work about these actual issues.
The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization
«The independent socio-environmental movement»



Воркшопы на тему коммуникации активно прошли с молоджежными группами в Поти, Сенаки и Цхалтубо. Участники обсудили вербальные и невербальные стороны коммуникации.

Как было отмечено, коммуникация напрямую связана с конфликтами. Во время передачи информации должны быть учтены нюансы невербальной  коммуникации, в иных случаях возможно обострение конфликта. Участники воркшопов считают, что полученные информации и практические упражнения помогут им в эффективном управлении конфликтами.

Проект осуществляется при поддержке организации Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdiens (Германия)
a workshop on conflict resolution was held with students of upper grades of school №1 - Tskaltubo. The meeting began with information about active 16 active days. Participants were given the symbol of the campaign - white ribbons, leaflets, calendars ...
The meeting was attended by several teachers. Students expressed initiative to conduct informational meetings in frames of the campaign on the topic of violence, and to also to discuss the problem on "class hour."
Then the participants began to discuss the planned issue - the role of the media in the prevention of violence. According to them, the aggression comes from television. There was talk about the positive role of the media. It has been recorded that the media is an important tool against violence, but we must use it effectively.
On this subject there were held workshops in Poti and Koki.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Many live stories women remembered in the workshops on conflict. It turned out that they have accumulated examples of successful and unsuccessful negotiations. There were also those who have experience in this area:

- I have repeatedly intervened in the conflict between neighbors. Experience has taught me a lot. I learn till today. Not everyone is able to be a facilitator, can. If a person is impulsive, it is better not to interfere. So it is possible to strain the situation even more.

The meeting participants were informed about the meaning of facilitation, mediation, when and how to be involved in order to resolve the conflict.

According to the women received information will give them more courage to be involved in family conflicts in order to avoid violence.

Workshops were held in Kutaisi, Khoni and Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality).

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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