From May 2015 to February 2016 the fund “Sukhumi” together implemented a project: “Strengthening of women’s voices in the process of conflict transformation”.

The work was carried out with support of Federal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland.

In frames of the project several activities were implemented. At the end of the project, there was printed a bulletin in Georgian and Russian Languages, which implied impressions and opinions of project participants.

The reader can have a full picture of interesting activities and what were the results, how did the project influence on participants.



The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department
of Foreign Affairs FDFA

The third publication of informational bulletin reflects results of WSC activities in March in frames of the project: “Strengthening of women’s rights in Western Georgia”, work with the violence victim, round table, informational-consultative meetings, cooperation with local self-government, advocacy and solution of the problem.

There were held 93 planned and more than 20 ordinary activities in frames of women solidarity week.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


The work of women support centers of Kutaisi, Khoni, Poti, Senaki, Tskaltubo and Khurcha/Koki (Zugdidi municipality), collaboration with local self-government, advocacy and solution of the problem – these and other issues are publicized in the forth issue of informational bulletin of the fund “Sukhumi” in frames of the project “strengthening of women’s rights in Western Georgia”.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
The fund “Sukhumi” published a book “Level of women security in Western Georgia” (printed version in Georgian and el-version in English and Russian).
This is a result of joined project ”Women define the level of human security for building confidence and stable peace” of the fund “Sukhumi (Kutaisi) and Association of Women of Abkhazia (Sukhumi). These women organizations applied the technique of Israel and Palestinian women, adapting it to the specific conditions, together developed a method of determining the level of human security and conducted surveys among women in their communities.
It is an attempt - to expand the boundaries of traditionally accepted understanding of the term "security" go in depths of the feelings and anxiety of women, who face daily threats of personal security.
The views and opinions reflected in the study are a reminder of the needs and threats that deserve respective attention and solution.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Work with the victim – main task of Women Support Centers, legal informational-consultative meetings and solved problems, collaboration with local government with the aim of informing citizens and advocacy of problems – second issue of informational bulletin, published by the fund “Sukhumi” tells the readers and beneficiaries about this. The bulletin publicizes the work, done in February in frames of the project “Strengthening of Women’s Rights in Western georgia”.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Research: “Women's participation in Geneva Peaceful Talks: problems, achievements and prospects” under the project: “Strengthening of women’s voices in the process of conflict transformation” was finished.
-Formation of public opinion regarding necessity of attracting more women in the process of peaceful regulation of conflict on national level and raising of civil society awareness, that women participation can have important role in building long-term peace.
In the process of research there were involved: public sector, representatives of state structures, who are connected with the issues of regulating the conflict. 8 respondents were inquired on a whole by the method of focus-group and 10 respondents in the form of in-depth interview.
Results of the research are gathered in one document.
The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA


For a whole year (15.01.2017-15.01.2018) Fund Sukhumi has been involved in the project “Development of women’s opportunities for elaboration of new approaches in conflict transformation”.

The organization has carried out project activities throughout West Georgia. Trainings with women and youth groups were organized within the project framework. Some of the project participants wrote essays, girls conducted workshops for their peers. A study was carried out and the brochure “Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict, Rethinking Approaches to Conflict Resolution and New Directions for its Transformation” was published in Georgian, Russian and English. This was followed by round-table discussions of the results of the study. At the final stage of the project a meeting was organized in Cyprus and the project presentation took place in Tbilisi. A film on the project was produced and released.

The journal reflects all project activities.


During 2015, electronic informational bulletin was issued monthly, which summarized the results of the work for month.
At the end of December, there was issued a journal “Women’s Voice” – 28 pages. It tells about Women Support Centers, their activities, advocated issues, changes in the lives of women – beneficiaries, impact on society.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



The report of the Fund "Sukhumi" - "Voice of Women" was published. The first part summarizes the successfully implemented three-year project "Strengthening of Women’s Rights in Women in Western Georgia". In the second part of the magazine, monthly internet publications are collected - an information bulletin in which topical issues discussed at various meetings of the fund “Sukhumi” and specific cases were discussed. The report of our work is presented in the form if this stories.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Women's Support Centres, with the financial support of the Fund "Sukhumi" in June and July have carried out independent projects. The essence of these projects and gained results were recorded in the seventh issue of the newsletter. In addition, it tells about the information and consultation meetings, advocated problems, working with victims of violence – briefly, about everything that took place in July in the framework of the project "Strengthening of Women's Rights in the Western Georgia."


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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