"The importance of advisory work for the prevention of violence" is the topic of bulletin №11.
In the activity of the Fund "Sukhumi" a special place is occupied by information and consulting activities. In this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the contribution of a psychologist and a lawyer. The bulletin contains examples from the cases of the psychologist and lawyers and gives some advice.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
How to work with youth groups to resolve conflicts - this is the name given to the manual issued by the fund “Sukhumi” for young trainers.
The manual was created within the framework of the project "Promoting non-violent conflict resolution among young people through training in western Georgia" for young people who received a training course in conflictology. The collection included 4 topics on which young people from 8 municipalities of Western Georgia (Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Poti, Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Batumi) worked: forms, types and analysis of the conflict, methods of conflict resolution; the role of information in conflict resolution, gender and gender aspects of conflict resolution, the influence of masculinity on conflict. The publication also provides information useful for trainers: the structure of the training and training skills.
The project is implemented with the support of Canada Fund for local Initiatives (CFLI) – Canada Embassy in Turkey
"There are three kinds of truth: my truth, your truth and the common truth," - this Chinese proverb begins the October newsletter.
The bulletin is devoted to one of the causes of domestic conflicts - the differences between personal values and traditions.
Along with the urgency of the problem, the bulletin contains advice from a psychologist who will help readers find the right solution, a tolerant attitude and a common truth.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
In a multifaceted prism of development of domestic violence one of the serious places is occupied by such harmful habits as - gambling, drug addiction, alcoholism. That is why the topic of September issue of the newsletter was "Bad habits and violence in the family."
The article shows the urgency of the problem, advices are given, one of which is to get a qualified counseling of psychologist.
The bulletin is part of the project: "Strengthening of Women's Rights in Western Georgia".
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Fund "Sukhumi" published analytical brochure "Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, rethinking approaches to conflict resolution and new vectors for its transformation” in Georgian, Russian and English languages.
It presents the factors that hinder the building of peace and the positive transformation of the conflict, as well as new approaches for cooperation and development, active work in the sphere of people's diplomacy and the enhancement of the role of women.
Advocacy is one of the segments during the prevention of violence, this is the theme of the newsletter of the Fund "Sukhumi" in August.
The word "advocacy" comes from the word "advocare" and means "call for change, their support."
As the publication states, advocacy is: to activity protect one's own and others' interests, actions in order to achieve change, influence public opinion, unite, support for implementation of changes
There are cases of successful and unsuccessful advocacy in the publication. There are also tips on what you should know before the start of the campaign.
The bulletin is published in the framework of the project "Strengthening of Women's Rights in Western Georgia".
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Facilitation is an English word and means simplification, help. It implies the conduct of the process with the participation of the third neutral party.
The July newsletter of the Fund "Sukhumi", which is published in the framework of the project "Strengthening of Women's Rights in Western Georgia", is dedicated to this issue.
The theme of the issue is "mediation, facilitation - the shortest way to prevent violence". The publication gives examples of successful and unsuccessful mediation. Useful tips are offered, how to become a mediator and what you need to know for this.
"Bullying is a cause-and-effect relationship with family conflicts" - this is the topic of the June newsletter.
Bullying is defined as follows: assault, harassment, intimidation. According to the National Center for Education for 2016, 1 in 5 children is a victim of bullying.
In the bulletins it is noted how the bullying prevention should be carried out, what is the role of the parent. Also, psychologists give advice to parents how to behave, if the child is a victim of bullying, or a rapist?
The electronic version of the bulletin of the Fund "Sukhumi" is published in the framework of the project "Strengthening of women's rights in Western Georgia".
"Emotion management is the main segment in the prevention of violence" - this is the topic of the newsletter of May.
It says: "Emotion is an internal state of the individual and is aimed at a certain subject. Emotional personality depends on temperament, although the level of her education, upbringing and development plays a big role. "
The article gives examples - heard at the meetings of the Fund "Sukhumi". The necessary advice is presented.
The electronic version of the bulletin of the Fund "Sukhumi" is published in the framework of the project "Strengthening of women's rights in Western Georgia".