Members of the women's initiative group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality summarized the problems identified as a result of the research. For women who live in Khurcha, the lack of lighting on the central road is a safety problem. This is the road from the central bridge to the border of Abkhazia. The failure of the drainage channels was named as also important problem, which itself concerns the economic security, as crops and plants are damaged during heavy rains. The members of the youth group evaluated the project implemented within the mini-project. During the meeting, a discussion was held about the problem presented by the forum theater, ways of solution and the possibility of involving young people in the process were discussed.

At the International Women's Conference

  • Saturday, 01 July 2023
  • 151 times

On July 1, at the initiative of the President of Georgia, the Tbilisi International Women's Conference (TWIC) was held. The conference was opened by the President of Georgia and women leaders from different countries of the world are attending it.

Within the framework of the conference, the conversation touched on such issues as conflicts, peace, security and European integration of Georgia. Ekaterine Gamakharia, the head of Tbilisi representative office of the Women Fund "Sukhumi", was invited to the meeting.

At the Regional Conference

  • Wednesday, 28 June 2023
  • 141 times

On June 26-27, 2023, Ekaterine Gamakharia, the representative of the Women's Fund "Sukhumi," participated in a regional conference organized by the Global Network of Women Peace Builders (GNWP) and supported by the OSCE. Elene Rusetskaya, the head of the Women's Information Center, and Yulia Kharashvili, the head of the Displaced Women's Association "Consent," also attended the conference from Georgia.

The conference brought together women mediators and peace builders from the South Caucasus, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. The primary objective of the regional conference was to develop a roadmap for civil society networking and advocacy in the field of peace building.

During the conference, the participants actively shared the progress of the implementation of the "Women, Peace and Security" agenda in their respective countries. They discussed existing experiences, challenges, and best practices related to participation in the peace-building and decision-making processes.

Youth mini-projects have completed

  • Wednesday, 28 June 2023
  • 122 times

Family conflicts, discrimination, bullying, gender equality, femicide - these topical issues were chosen by young people for their mini-projects. Within the framework of the project, forum-theaters were created on the basis of Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Zugdidi youth initiative groups. Two scenarios were prepared in each group. During two months, young people held 42 meetings using the forum-theatre format. Meetings were held in different locations: towns and villages schools, settlements, public places. Number of discussions was held on the issues of gender equality, bullying, domestic violence and femicide. During the meetings, the participants discussed the relevance of the problems and discussed ways to solve them.

Ordinary meeting of Zugdidi group

  • Tuesday, 27 June 2023
  • 154 times

Another informational online meeting was held with members of Zugdidi Women Initiative Group.

The meeting participants recalled the problems that have already been advocated and resolved. They also discussed priority issues and chose the most relevant ones.

Members of the initiative group discussed the ways of problem solution and will start working on specific activities.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Psychologist Manana Gotsiridze worked in three directions in June:

- She met 5 beneficiaries of a day rehabilitation center who are learning how to work with polymer clay. She did some work with them to get rid of negative emotions, to reassess priorities and increase self-esteem.

She had daily interaction with the women in the rehabilitation  center. Intensive work was carried out with traumas using various methods: art therapy, elements of cognitive-correctional psychology, psychological exercises and associative cards.

- 12 individual psychotherapy sessions were held online and 15 sessions with women living in Kutaisi. Three of them were new, and with the others, the previously started work continued.

35-year-old Khatuna passed psycho-rehabilitation for more than 6 months. After the death of her husband, she did not want to live, even her daughter irritated her, nothing pleased her, she did not believe that after the sessions of the psychologist there would be any positive changes. But working with different methods gave results: fear and irritation gradually disappeared, new priorities, new goals appeared. She thanks the psychologist for her humanity and professionalism, patience and invaluable assistance.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Women Support Center mobilizers took part in the training: "Evidence Based Advocacy", held in 10 target municipalities.

The training was aimed at strengthening the skills necessary for advocacy. Particular emphasis was placed on identifying and ranking the problems. The essence, stages and forms of evidence-based advocacy were discussed in detail.

Using practical examples, the participants discussed the factors hindering the advocacy process, identified target groups and stakeholders.

It was noted that participation in the training is important for representatives of the Women Support Centers, as they are actively involved in the process of forming municipal policy and advocating for local problems.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

One of those, met by the psychologist of the Women Fund “Sukhumi” -  Manana Gotsiridze  in June, was 76-year-old Lyubov Maksimenko from the Mykolaev region. She lived in Tskaltubo, but 30 years ago she sold her apartment and moved to Ukraine. She lived happily, but when the situation escalated during the war, she came here, intending to stay for a while. She did not meet any of her acquaintances here, neither the new owners of her apartment, nor former neighbors, nor friends ... For some time she lived with the daughter of an old acquaintance, then the City Hall settled her in a hotel ... She decided to return home again. However, she did not have enough finances. Fund "Sukhumi" bought a bus ticket, gave food for the journey and sent her to Ukraine...

In June, the psychologist met with another 12 people - representatives of 5 families. The  initial consultations, anamnesis, work with traumas and stress was started with them. Two beneficiaries have completed individual psychotherapy sessions and one continues to receive psychotherapy on Wednesdays. Also, all families received a set of humanitarian aid from our organization.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Discussing the needs of Ukrainians

  • Monday, 26 June 2023
  • 124 times

A meeting  with Kemlin Furley, the representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Georgia was held In Kutaisi, at the head office of the Women Fund "Sukhumi". The meeting was also attended by a representative of  the Georgian Red Cross Society Kutaisi branch.

Mrs. Kemlin was informed about the ongoing projects implemented by the Fund "Sukhumi" and the Red Cross for the assistance of Ukrainian refugees. The conversation touched upon the condition of Ukrainians, existing challenges and needs. Particular attention was paid to problems in terms of health and education and their advocacy at the national level.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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