The Women's Fund "Sukhumi" presents its new information brochure: "Gender Disinformation - Features, Tactics and Detection Methods", which shows how false and inaccurate information is used to discredit, intimidate, and silence women, especially those active in the public sphere. The brochure outlines key characteristics and common tactics of gender disinformation, such as spreading gender stereotypes, victim-blaming, and attacking women's intellectual abilities. Additionally, the brochure provides practical advice on identifying and countering gender misinformation through source verification, cross-referencing with independent sources, and using reliable fact-checking websites.



We present a new social video from the Women's Fund 'Sukhumi', featuring actresses Nino Choladze and Nantso Tsvirashvili, and actor Saba Nutsubidze, who explain the essence of gender identity disinformation.

Embrace the truth and reject gender identity disinformation!

On June 8 and 9, 2024, the Women's Fund 'Sukhumi' organized training for regional journalists and students from the Faculty of Journalism at Akaki Tsereteli State University on gender disinformation and gender-responsive reporting. The training aimed to increase the participants' awareness and skills in identifying gender disinformation and practicing gender-sensitive reporting.

On the first day of the training, June 8, 18 journalists from media outlets operating in Imereti, including TV, radio, online media agencies, and independent bloggers attended. On June 9, 23 first- to fourth-year students from the Faculty of Journalism at Akaki Tsereteli State University attended.

The participants evaluated the training as useful and informative. They emphasized the importance of the knowledge and skills they acquired, which they plan to use in their daily activities. Discussing real examples and practical recommendations contributed to a better understanding of the problems and helped identify effective ways to combat gender misinformation.

The Women's Fund "Sukhumi" launched a new campaign about gender disinformation with the slogan "Embrace the truth, reject gender disinformation."

As part of the campaign, we run an Instagram page called womenfundsukhumi. You can follow us and read our informative posts, particularly about what gender disinformation is and the myths and stereotypes that exist.

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