These people need special psycho-rehabilitation. Our service is ready to help. There are 255 Ukrainian refugees in our base, and three psychologists work with them.

Despite the vacation, some activities were done in August.

Manana Gotsiridze: - in August, 2 meetings were held with Ukrainian families in Vani and 4 meetings in Kutaisi (6 families - 12 people). It was primary psychological consultation, taking of medical history, further invitations to psychological consultation. Products, hygiene items and clothing were delivered to them.

Anna Shalimova: - 2 online consultations were held in August, where further recommendations regarding the problem were given. I also had one face-to-face consultation in the office. One client for further long-term work was taken on her request. There was 1 acquaintance with a new family who recently arrived in Georgia.

The trainings planned in August were held online. The number of young participants was 175.

Actual topics were discussed at the training: relations between parents and children; norms of ethics and aesthetics; skills for peaceful conflict resolution.

The participants were actively involved in the work and openly expressed their opinion that during conflict, it is not easy to use the skills of peaceful conflict resolution, but it is still possible.

“These tips are very good, but in a hot situation it is difficult to speak in a calm tone. However, if I try, I can do anything.”

“It was interesting to get acquainted with the norms of ethics and aesthetics, a very necessary topic.”

"It's a pity that the project is going to its end"...

In August, the psychologist visited the Women Support Centers of Bagdati, Kobuleti, Tkibuli, Terjola and Senaki. Group and individual meetings were held with participation of 50 beneficiaries.

9 beneficiaries from the regions received online individual psychotherapeutic consultations. Active work with 17 beneficiaries and one married couple was held in Kutaisi, in the office of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”.

Permanent work brings positive results for each beneficiary.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

In August, a group working on the issues of Ukrainian refugees did a lot:

The beneficiaries were informed that WizzAir launched a promotion according to which Ukrainians could purchase tickets - some of them used this opportunity and returned to their homeland.

55 people were added to our database - now we have 255 people. Over the past week, we have provided assistance to 10 families from Kutaisi, Samtredia and Tkibuli.

Three psychologists (two of them are Ukrainians) actively conducted group and individual consultations for refugees.

We were addressed by a volunteer from Ukraine. A group of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" will communicate with him about the employment of Ukrainians and a kindergarten where parents can leave their children during work.

One of our beneficiaries underwent emergency dental surgery free of charge.

Two women will start attending polymer clay courses in Women Fund Sukhumi.

The lawyer of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" held group and individual information meetings: in the village Didi Nedzi (Zugdidi municipality), Dimi (Bagdati municipality), Senaki and Tkibuli. The group meetings were attended by representatives of the City Hall, school teachers and representatives of civil society. During the meetings, a presentation of the web page - "Digital Resource Center of Services for Victims of Violence" was made.

In Tsalenjikha, an individual consultation was given to a woman about the status of a single mother and in Vani - about divorce to a woman who was a victim of violence. All meetings were organized by the Women Support Centers.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

In August, people almost leave the city, but there are many guests. It was they who attended the performances of the forum theater in Kutaisi.

Two performances were held. The viewer got interested in this format. Some have not seen or heard about the forum theater at all. Some of the audience actively joined the scenes. Unfortunately, everyone refused to take pictures, so only the actors and episodes of the scenes are visible in the photos.

Open-air performances play a big role as a mechanism for informing society and preventing violence.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Gogi Revia has a long experience of working in the local self-government of Zugdidi municipality. For the last ten years, he has been serving the direction of social protection, where, among other issues, significant attention is paid to gender equality. The budget of Zugdidi municipality was the first document where the program for financing victims of violence officially published in 2015.

"For an abused woman who is afraid of society to convey her first emotion to a man she knows or doesn't know at all is an embarrassing problem [in general], but because of my attitude, these women open up to me within minutes. They are sure what they tell me are confidential. I always offered them an effective solution and they were convinced. When there are one, two, ten or many other cases, I really have this confidence from them," - Gogi Revia, the head of the Social Protection and Gender Equality Department of the Zugdidi Municipality City Hall, tells us in the "Gender and Society" column.

158 people joined the mobilization meetings organized by the Women Support Centers in August. Issues of domestic violence, responses and effective mechanisms of victim assistance have become the basis for active discussions. Participants analyzed the facts of femicide. They noted: “We should not be indifferent when cases of femicide have become so frequent. This is an alarming indicator and requires a greater response from both the state and society”.

The meetings showed the necessity to strengthen the role of the Women Support Centers in terms of informing the population so that as many people as possible know that violence is punishable and the victim is not alone.

The Women Support Centers of Samtredia, Terjola, Tkibuli, Vani, Bagdati, Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi, Chokhatauri and Kobuleti, along with informing the population, revealed eight new cases of violence during the month. The response has already begun, the beneficiaries are actively using the services of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" - this increases the guarantees of the victim's safety.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Zaza Gochelashvili is a child and family social worker in Tkibuli municipality. He is also actively involved in the civil sector as a volunteer. He has a lot of experience working with minors.

"Mostly social workers are women, and I am one of the exceptional men, especially at the self-governing level, although I have male colleagues as well. Therefore, it is very important that two social workers in the municipality are a woman and a man,"- based on his own experience, he tells us in the column "Gender and Society".

The Permanent Parliamentary Council for Gender Equality and the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee held a working meeting with representatives of international and local non-governmental organizations regarding the implementation of the 9th recommendation out of 12 recommendations of the European Union, which is related to gender equality issues.

The meeting highlighted several key issues in the direction of gender equality: the reaffirmation of the state's commitment to gender equality, the launch of the idea of women's economic empowerment, and the implementation of legislative measures that will be in line with the Istanbul Convention.

In her speech, Eka Gamakharia, head of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" Tbilisi office, emphasized the importance of women's economic empowerment for the prevention of violence against women and effective response. According to the promise of the Permanent Parliamentary Council for Gender Equality, a personal working meeting will be dedicated to the detailed discussion of the mentioned issue.

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