The results of consulting work

  • Thursday, 25 November 2021
  • 575 times

Overcoming stress, calmness, problem solution, hope ... - these and many other issuea are the results of the consulting work of a psychologist and a lawyer of the Fund "Sukhumi".

They conducted 3 online group meetings and individual consultations by regions for the beneficiaries of the Women Support Centers.

The work was carried out with crisis families and 29 beneficiaries continue to receive individual psychotherapy online.

At the same time, active communication is carried out with the beneficiaries of the day rehabilitation center of the Fund "Sukhumi" – this is a psychological therapy that these women need so much...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)


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