Informing, identification of violence, women's activism

  • Monday, 22 August 2022
  • 527 times

158 people joined the mobilization meetings organized by the Women Support Centers in August. Issues of domestic violence, responses and effective mechanisms of victim assistance have become the basis for active discussions. Participants analyzed the facts of femicide. They noted: “We should not be indifferent when cases of femicide have become so frequent. This is an alarming indicator and requires a greater response from both the state and society”.

The meetings showed the necessity to strengthen the role of the Women Support Centers in terms of informing the population so that as many people as possible know that violence is punishable and the victim is not alone.

The Women Support Centers of Samtredia, Terjola, Tkibuli, Vani, Bagdati, Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi, Chokhatauri and Kobuleti, along with informing the population, revealed eight new cases of violence during the month. The response has already begun, the beneficiaries are actively using the services of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" - this increases the guarantees of the victim's safety.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)


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