Active psycho-therapeutic work in October

  • Friday, 28 October 2022
  • 359 times

Group and individual psychological meetings were held in the Women Support Centers of Samtredia, Kobuleti, Tsalenjikha and Tkibuli (online). 35 beneficiaries took part in them.

During a month, the psychologist conducted online individual consultations in the regions and psycho-therapeutic work in Kutaisi office.

There were also group meetings on Fridays with the beneficiaries of the Day Center of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" - with women who learn how to work with polymer clay. Sessions were held with them to overcome fears, stress, traumas and raise self-esteem.

One of the beneficiaries of the Day Center said: “Everything that happened this month is special for me – I was filled with love for myself and others, I manage to do beautiful things”.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)


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