Benefits of psychological consultations

  • Friday, 24 November 2023
  • 317 times

There is a beautiful village - Pirveli maisi (first of May) in Khobi municipality. Our psychologist Manana Gotsiridze visited the village for the first time to talk with women working in the kindergarten.

The initiator of the meeting, Nino Uridia, is the mobilizer of the Women Support Center. After the meeting, she said that she did not expect so much benefit from one meeting. Women Support Center was recently opened in Khobi, and there is little information about the benefits of psychological consultations.

At the end of the meeting, the women mentioned:

- How quickly time flew by. I wanted to talk and listen more.

- I learned so many interesting and useful things.

- I looked at life in different way, reevaluated my priorities.

- I thought about my behavior, emotions, what I do and how it affects me.

- Thanks to everyone who prepared this meeting and especially to the psychologist.

- Please, visit us more often.

In addition to this meeting, the psychologist conducted 14 psychotherapeutic sessions in Kutaisi and 11 individual online consultations with beneficiaries living in different regions. She talked to one boy individually and, with the help of art therapy, helped him adapt to school and overcome his fear of failure.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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