The round table, which was held in Chokhatauri, was attended by the leaders of the municipality, members of the Gender Equality Council, representatives of the police, educational and medical institutions. They got acquainted with the document  “Monitoring of Services for the Victims - Support Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and Existing Challenges” prepared by the Fund “Sukhumi”.

It was noted that the situation in the municipality in terms of cooperation of local referral entities is not bad. There are also budget programs, which gives possibility to see the victim's problems, respond to them, and help the victim in employment in the long - term prospect.

Insufficient response from the side of the society itself to the facts of violence was mentioned as the biggest challenge, and a serious need for information and educational work was highlighted. It was said that the experience of the Fund "Sukhumi" in this regard will be very useful for the municipality.

The Fund "Sukhumi" held a round table in Zugdidi with participation of the representatives of local referral entities.

During the meeting there was a discussion regarding prevention of violence and protection of violence victims (referring of social cooperation), analysis of the situation in terms of domestic violence and definition of prospects for social cooperation. The emphasis was made on the problem of domestic violence and the prospects of cooperation with local structures.

The project "Strengthening of Women's Rights in Western Georgia" was also presented at the meeting.

According to the participants of the meeting, joint activities will enable to identify problems, increase the quality of their solution and prevention.

Presentation of the project "Strengthening the Women's Rights in Western Georgia" was conducted by the Fund "Sukhumi" in Samtredia, Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi and Vani municipalities. The meetings were attended by representatives of local self-government, civil activists. Emphasis was placed on the prospects of responding to the problem of domestic violence and cooperation in this issues.

According to the meeting participants, joint activities will make it possible to identify problems, the quality of their solution and prevention will be increased. Local governments are ready to be actively involved in the prevention of domestic violence.

“A very necessary project”, “You are really doing a big job”, “Training on these issues, should take place throughout Georgia”, “I am ready to cooperate”, “The conflict expert is already working in a second circle in our school. “Our school is always open for you", "Thank you very much for the work done", "We are waiting for you in Chokhatauri municipality, we promise to work actively"," We follow your work, and are delighted with your young people"- these and similar considerations were expressed or recorded in a chat during a meeting on the Zoom platform.

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