Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.



The twenty eighth meeting of the Gender Advisory Council of Senaki was held on July 11. The meeting was dedicated to the preparation of the summarizing conference, where the GAC members plan to share their work experience, achievements and results with the representatives of the other municipalities of the region.

At the Conference there will be invited representatives of the municipalities of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region, representatives of the Governor’s Administration of the region, Fund “Sukhumi” and local self-government.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In frames of the project of Khoni WSC “Informed women change the future” there were held 3 meetings in the villages of Khoni municipality – Matkhoji, Nakhakhulevi and Kukhi.

During the meetings the women presented information about a law against domestic violence, arresting and protective orders. Attention was paid to violations of women’s rights. Meeting participants learned about free legal and psychological consultations.

The meeting was followed by active discussion regarding frequent facts of violence against women.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



On July 4, the informational meeting in Senaki was attended by representatives of the Museum of Zhiuli Shartava, the local history museum, art school and house of culture.

The meeting was participated by member of Sakrebulo Eliso Tsaguria and representative of Municipality Eka Kurashvili.

Staff of the cultural department are funded by local self-government. They modestly noted about low salaries and asked to think about their increase.

In addition, they talked about social problems. Representatives of the local government promised them to determined the problem and help as much as possible.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

In frames of the project “we will overcome the violence with knowledge” there was held a training, where several participants were noted. One of them independently held informational meetings in the villages of Tskaltubo municipalilty.

Main topic of the meeting – domestic violence and protective mechanisms. Meeting participants received information about a law, programs of victims assistance. there were spread leaflets with information, whom to address in case of violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



WSC of Poti actively prepares to implementation of the project “Violence prevention through popularization of healthy life-style”. Different sport activities are planned: checkers, backgammon, volleyball with the participation of girls and boys.

The event is planned on July 10 on Maltakva embankment.

At this stage, meetings are held in different local government services and organizational issues are discussed. The event is actively participated by the office of Mayor of Poti – for the Youth Affairs and Sports, as well as social protection and gender.

posters and leaflets are already printed. T-shirts were prepared with the slogan "Healthy life - against violence!"

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Fund "Sukhumi" organized a networking meeting of Gender Advisory Councils (GAC), of Kutaisi, Senaki and Ozurgeti in complex - restaurant "Grand Palace".

The meeting heard reports on the changes in the law on Gender Equality, a gender policy development in the regions, on the achievements and experience of GAC, cooperation with society and the role of the mass media.

In the final part of the meeting there was a discussion, and proposals have been developed for further work.

The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In frames of the project of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (GAC) in Kutaisi University there was held conference of students on: “Different social segments in gender prism – student’s approaches, effective mechanisms of problem solution.”

In their reports the students made stress on gender discrimination, existing in different directions: quote system, pension age, imbalance Georgian politics. The conference was attended by representatives of local government, members of the GAC, lectures of the university.

The conference was continued by discussion. By the opinion of participants, interest of students in gender issues is very important. The issues that are important for our society should be a priority for the youth.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Ordinary meeting of Senaki GAC was held in conference-hall of Senaki Sakrebulo. GAC members familiarized with research analysis of local gender needs, discussed recommendations to the local budget of 2017, elaborated as a results of analysis.

Chairperson of the GAC – Nana Alania made a small report on current project, in frames of which it was successfully completed series of workshops on the issue of gender and domestic violence with different categories of rural population: youth, pupils, teachers of schools and kindergartens, doctors. Totally 56 workshops were held covering 600 persons.

There was held a discussion of one more project of the GAC, implementation of which is planned  from July and the main target group will be teachers of rural kindergartens and parents of pupils. Project will promote to formation of non-violent society through establishing gender education in kindergartens of Senaki Municipality.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


On June 20 – international day of refugees and IDPs. This day in Kutaisi, in TBC gallery there was held presentation of NGO activities and exhibition of handmade of participants.

Together with the NGOs, governmental structures and educational premises, there was shown IDP community with its everyday life, achievements…

The meeting was attended by members of Kutaisi Sakrebulo, representatives of partner organizations and mass - media.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Information about current project, familiarization with research results, discussion of the new project – GAC of Kutaisi held ordinary meeting regarding these issues.

In frames of GAC project there was held a cycle of workshops with the students. What was shown: what is informing level of students on gender issues, what are their needs and what kind of recommendations do they suggest – these issues were evaluated by the students, who facilitated the workshops.

GAC members heard information about the results of gender research, conducted with different target groups. Discussion of recommendation will be continued at the following meeting and will be finished by creation of gender policy document.

At the end of meeting the participants discussed working variant of the new project, the aim of which is – creation of scenery for the puppet theatre on the issue of gender.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

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