Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.


Within the frames of the project "Improving the conditions for the IDP community" Fund "Sukhumi" transferred equipment  to the kindergarten №1 Tskhaltubo: wardrobe - 7 units, 2 cabinet for toys, 3 tables for teachers, book shelves - 2 units, chairs for teachers - 12 units and books.

The event was attended by the head of Tsqaltubo Municipality Administration, representatives of local self-government, the head of association of kindergartens, manager and kindergarten teachers.

In frames of the project in the beginning of April it is planned to equip kindergartens №1 №2 in Tskaltubo and Kopitnari -Tsqaltubo Municipality.

Representatives of the local government said that active cooperation with non-governmental sector and similar projects are very important for the municipality.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)



Meeting of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC) was held in unusual format. For more media – response, it was attended by the journalists, specialists of the press service of local self-government.

Chairperson of the GAC Lela Natsvaladze submitted a report about meetings in frames of municipal “Program of Supporting villages”. It was underlined that it is a very low inclusion of women and accordingly gender needs are not raised. It was fixed an opinion that it is necessary to protect gender balance on similar meetings and it will promote to  implementation of gender projects.

Lawyer of the GAC Tamaz Trapaidze submitted a report of conducted work. Attention was paid to the problems, which are advocated with difficulties. It was decided that members of the GAC will be actively involved in the process.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Informational meeting in Ozurgeti kindergarten No1, was attended by the representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” and the member of Sakrebulo and Gender Advisory Council – Irina Sajaia.

The kindergarten staff mentioned that the children are provided by good condition, they have toys, warmth and caring. It has been said about their low salaries and that they would take part in training sessions on gender and other interesting topics for them.

Active women were invited to a meeting of the Club of Women-Voters, which will be held in April, and issue put during the meeting was considered on the same day, at a meeting of the Gender Advisory Council. It has been recorded to develop a training program for kindergartens in the coming months.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In the meeting room of Sakrebulo of Kutaisi there was a presentation of fund "Sukhumi" research - "Assessment of women's human security level in Western Georgia." The event was attended by a wide spectrum of society, representatives of Swedish organization Kvinna till Kvinna in the South Caucasus.

Participants with interest studied the results of the research, which was conducted under the joint Georgian-Abkhazian project. Many questions were raised, which once again revealed the risk factors, common for the Abkhazian and Georgians women. As well as the different levels in health care and social protection, protection from domestic violence, etc.

The participants made evaluations that there is qualification and work done by the Fund "Sukhumi" while working on the research. They identified the issues that are causing serious harm to the safety of people living in the conflict zone, including - infringement of the rights to education in their native language.



The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
womens Foundation (Sweden)


Women's Support Centre of Tskaltubo took guests, joined by local initiative groups of women. Women once again summarized the results of the Fund "Sukhumi" research, conducted identifying of local problems, allocated part of the priority issues and sauggested their own vision of their solution.

Reproductive health and serious argument of needs of Tskhaltubo maternity hospital; needs of mothers of inclusive children; the question of informing women, as a factor contributing to their socio-political activity - meeting drafted future advocacy strategy. Part of this strategy is the prospect of cooperation with the Gender Council of Tsqaltubo Municipality, which was established recently, and aims to improve the local gender policy.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Swedish Women's Foundation Kvinna till Kvinna, who expressed great interest in this work.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Informational meeting in Senaki library was attended by representatives of social commission, chairperson of Gender Advisory Council (GAC) - Nana Alania and members of the GAC - Alex Demuria and Dina Giorgadze.

The women heard information about the work of the fund “Sukhumi”, GAC and social programs of Sakrebulo.

There were discussed problems, existing in the library. Active women were invited at meeting of the Club of Voter Women for further advocacy and problem solution.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Twenty-fourth meeting of Senaki Gender Advisory Councils began with submitting of interesting initiatives by the members of Youth Sakrebulo. GAC discussed possibility of developing and co-financing of the youth project, which will allow  the active youth to independently implement their initiatives with the help of small grants. From their side representatives of youth Sakrebulo expressed readiness to involve the GAC in the projects.

There was also held detailed discussion of the project for strengthening the role of youth and women in the process of prevention of domestic violence and advocacy of social problems in the villages of Senaki Municipality. Members of the GAC have ahope that local self-government and fund “SUkhumi” will support their project.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (GAC) presented working variant of the project during the ordinary meeting. The project must be implemented through co-financing of the local self-government. The meeting was attended by the people, who were directly connected with future activists of the project: representatives of the fund “Sukhumi”, lecturers of the university.

During the work there were fixed different opinions regarding the phases of the target groups and thematic of the project. Then the initiative group was made in composition of 6 people, who will continue working at a project.

In the second part of the meeting members of the GAC elaborated ideas for formation of new project.

 The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In Kutaisi, In the Center of Democratic Engagement, there was held a meeting of Gender network of Imereti region on “gender Equality in Political Processes”. The meeting was attended by the women – members of Kutaisi Sakrebulo, chairperson of Abkhazian government, guests from the regions.

There was discussed a situation in the region in gender point of view. Than was held a discussion on actual issues. Mechanisms of political strengthening of women, conditions for their participation in Parliament elections, quoting. The meeting was active and interesting. Similar meetings will continue. 


In March 33 mobilization meetings were held in 5 cities (Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Poti and Senaki) and in the villages of Zugdidi Municipallity – Khurcha and Koki.

The topic of the meeting was a week of women solidarity. The meeting underlined the problems of women, mainly their small amount in politics, in the process of decision making. Meeting participants spoke also about frequent facts of famicid.

It was mentioned that respect to woman should be expressed during whole year – respecting their rights, political strengthening and activation.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Social Networks