The workshop on drafting a three-year National Action Plan (NAP) for Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security was held.

One of the priorities of the action plan is to localize the plan and promote the active participation of women IDPs, conflict - affected women and local governmental structures in it. The workshop was attended by Ekaterine Gamakharia – the Chairperson of the Fund “Sukhumi” Tbilisi representative office.

Three meetings with Zugdidi groups

  • Friday, 27 August 2021
  • 876 times

Three meetings were held online with members of the initiative group of Zugdidi municipality.

During the meeting with Koki / Khurcha group, the issue of creating comfortable conditions for recreation and entertainment for the youth of Koki community and their families was raised. The group has developed and approved an advocacy plan and will begin an active campaign in this regard in September.

As a result of advocacy, Zugdidi women initiative group decided to clean the territory adjacent to the IDP settlement from weeds. The meeting was devoted to this issue.

The third meeting took place with Koki youth initiative group. The participants spoke about the project financed through the sub-grant of the Fund “Sukhumi. The project will promote to a healthy lifestyle. 


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Work of the initiative groups in Tskaltubo

  • Thursday, 26 August 2021
  • 860 times

With the support of sub-grants of the Fund "Sukhumi", two projects were financed in Tskaltubo. Youth initiative groups begin to actively work in this direction. The projects, the implementation of which are planned by young people, aim to activate youth groups living in Tskaltubo municipality, inform them about environmental issues, self-government programs and include them in the processes taking place in the municipality.

The women initiative group begins to advocate the problems: the lack of awareness of the population about local programs. After a general discussion, the advocacy plan was approved. Some advocated activities will begin in September.


Проект осуществляется при поддержке USAID

There are interesting innovations in the activities of Senaki youth group. The group members will try to establish interaction with the youth through a new project. The project contains various activities. Youth, using their messages will tell the public about their interests.

The women initiative group will try to advocate an urgent problem - the safe movement of residents at the crossroads in the "military town". The members of the group, together with the self-government, will try to advocate this problem at the central level.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Information meetings in Zugdidi villages

  • Wednesday, 25 August 2021
  • 840 times

Ingiri, Shamgona, Kakhati - residents of different ages living in these villages, IDPs and local citizens, were familiarized with the essence of the online application and with the rules for using it by the project facilitators. The participants of the meeting not only listened to the information about the online-vote-o-meter with interest, but also held a discussion on the topic of elections and socio-political life in general. They focused on the issues, on which, according to them, the political actors, participating in the elections, should sharpen their attention - uncontrolled migration, the integration of IDPs, local employment programs and other issues.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 womens Foundation (Sweden)

Meetings with youth groups

  • Tuesday, 24 August 2021
  • 724 times

In accordance with the recommendations of health care, the meeting with the part of the youth in Zugdidi was held offline and with the other part – online. The meeting concerned the online "vote-vote-o-meter" – voters’ advice application, implementation of the application, pre-election informing of the voter.

The participants expressed the desire to use the application after its activation. It was said that they never have full information about the programs of political parties, so such an application is very interesting for them.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 womens Foundation (Sweden)

Active meetings in Kutaisi groups

  • Thursday, 19 August 2021
  • 838 times

The project implementation period for Kutaisi initiative group has come – during an online meeting, the participants got acquainted with the final version of the project. They planned activities and developed work steps. Each participant was especially active, since the desire of the group members is to successfully complete the project they have developed.

Despite the fact that the meeting of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group was online, it was quite active. The participants reviewed advocacy plans, rules for preparing an application / letter, addressees. They will begin the process of problem advocacy in the near future.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Two online meetings were held with women initiative groups. The meeting was attended by representatives of local self-government. They heard the information about the problems that the groups are going to advocate. Representatives of the local government promised to provide assistance in the advocacy process, since the problems identified by the group are also actual for them.

Women initiative groups will start an advocacy campaign, and the youth initiative group will start a small project. During online meeting, the team members again reviewed and discussed the projects and the work plan to be implemented.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Three members of Kutaisi youth initiative group took an active part in the training, which was dedicated to project writing. Then they shared their knowledge and information with the rest of the group.

The group has actively worked on two projects that should be presented to the competition committee in the near future. This is their first experience and everyone joined with great enthusiasm.

An information meeting with members of the women initiative group was held online. They named the actual problems of the city, selected the most priority ones and developed an advocacy plan. The group will try to solve the problem, and this will motivate group members to work more actively.

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