The Fund “Sukhumi” conducted the round table in Samtredia municipality with participation of representatives of local referral entities. The meeting discussed issues of violence prevention and protection of victims, the situation in terms of violence and social cooperation. The attention was paid to the problem of domestic violence and the prospects for cooperation with local structures.

According to the meeting participants, joint activities can identify problems, as a result, the level of their solution and prevention will increase.

The biggest challenge was the attitude of society towards the problem of violence. The need for information and educational work and activation of the municipal gender council in this regard was highlighted.

The gender Council of Kobuleti municipality, organized a round table on "Prevention of violence and protection of violence victims, social cooperation and referencing" in partnership with the Fund "Sukhumi" and the participation of governmental structures and social institutions. The cases of violence against women and domestic violence were discussed. The guests invited by the Fund "Sukhumi" - representatives of Senaki municipality shared their experience with their colleagues from Kobuleti in the field of children’s rights protection.

The participants of the meeting analyzed the situation in terms of violence and identified the prospects for social cooperation.

Two meetings were held in May with members of Kutaisi initiative groups. On May 18, a meeting was held for the women's group and on May 21, for young people. Formation of a new group and the project presentation took place.

The women’s needs research was discussed in the women's initiative group, since the members of the group were included in the process. They noted that they got acquainted with the problems of women living in the city and saw how many families and children need help. During the research, the formats of focus groups, in-depth interviews and questionnaires were used.

The needs research of citizens was carried out in Vani municipality - quantitative data were collected, individual interviews and focus groups with vulnerable groups were held.

Then there will be held the advocacy of the problems identified as a result of the research in the relevant structures, as well as the integration of priority issues for citizens into the action plan of the municipality.

Local civil society organizations “Support 2020” and “Citizens' Engagement for Good Governance and Justice” worked on the research.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

“Equality Now” and “Civic Spectrum – Equality” were two local civil society organizations that assessed the needs of the population in Bagdati Municipality. In order  to obtain more extensive information, various forms of research were used: questionnaires, individual interviews and focus groups. Representatives of the organizations included in the research examined and assessed the effectiveness, transparency and inclusiveness of the services provided by Bagdati local self - government to the citizens of the municipality.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The representatives of the City Hall and City Council of Knoni municipality attended trainings on the topic “Petition - a form of citizens' participation in local self-government”.

In the first part of the training, the participants were provided with information on citizen’s participation in the implementation of local self-government, on the factors and forms of citizen participation, on the role, meaning and rules of adopting the petition.

In the second part, they were familiarized with the application on Khoni municipality website, with the registration, signature and subsequent procedures. An electronic petition was prepared and implemented in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

In May, the psychologist received 56 phone calls from Kutaisi and from those regions where Women's Support Centers operate. It shows the alarming - traumatic stressful situation of people.

10 online and 8 offline individual psychotherapy are provided for the beneficiaries, 3 of them are teenagers.

During a month, the lawyer of the Fund "Sukhumi" also actively worked together with the psychologist. Online group meetings and consultations with beneficiaries and meetings with members of the crisis families were held.

Everyone is happy to note the importance of this support, which is free and often people get this service from the comfort of their homes.

This article tells the reader of the newspaper “New Education” about the peacekeeping activities of the Fund "Sukhumi" - mainly about the new project “Bridging the Gap: People to People Initiatives for Conflict Resolution”.

It covers a series of trainings conducted for youth initiative groups.

The role of young people is special in this work. The article emphasizes their interest: to learn more about the conflict and discuss current topics, their desire is: to take initiatives and become peacemakers...

This is the new website of the Fund "Sukhumi" - "Digital resource center of the services for violence victims."

This platform contains the following information: services for violence victims, legislation, national referral mechanism, publications (reports and researches), mobile application and hotline numbers, answers to various questions, innovations.

The aim of the website is to improve accessibility to all types of services to protect the victims (survivors) of violence against women and domestic violence.

The website was created with the support of the Equality Fund (Canada) and currently works in a test mode.

“Tolerance and conflict” - this topic was discussed in the village Lia (Tsalenjikha municipality) with the youth initiative group.

At the end of the meeting, the general mood of the participants was as follows: you should treat people the way you want them to treat you - these are the words of great importance. We must respect each other. We can create a tolerant society ...

The second meeting was held with the women initiative group of the village Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality). An assessment of the technical side of the women’s needs research was made. The group members, who participated in the research talked about the process of implementation, about the obstacles and what contributed to the work.

The meeting participants also touched upon the plans. It was noted that the work of the groups is quite effective.

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