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Women Support Centers of the Fund “Sukhumi” successfully carry out small projects in their municipalities. Starting from the new year, they will begin to work on new projects. And before that, a three-day training for mobilizers was held in Borjomi on: “Project Design and Management”. They shared their experiences with each other, talked about achievements and challenges. Strategic directions were developed at the training. During the working process, with a combination of theory and practice, the mobilizers were given the opportunity to individually develop project proposals.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization
 Brot für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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4 trainings on: “The role of the police in prevention of violence and protection of the victim” was held for the officers of criminal and patrol police of 10 municipalities of Imereti: Tskaltubo, Samtredia, Zestaponi and Chiatura.

The training was attended by 101 police officers. The following topics were discussed: law enforcement agencies, as a guarantor for the safety of the victim of domestic violence, mechanisms of effective use of the legislative and legal framework, gender aspects of communication and cooperation with the victim.

The training was organized by the Human Doc Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and the Fund “Sukhumi”.

The project is supported by the development cooperation program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization
HumanDoc foundation (Poland)

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- Identification of the problem of violence, communication with the child and referral stages, legal mechanisms and the role of teachers in violence prevention, international documents - topic of four-day training was carried out on the background of interactive inclusions and live discussions.

According to participants, the training was a good opportunity for them to analyze the consequences of domestic violence, and to think about preventive mechanisms.

The training was held on July 10-13 in Kobuleti. The topic: "The role of teachers in violence  prevention and the protection to the victim." Teachers from various schools of six municipalities of Imereti took part in it: Tskaltubo, Khoni, Terjola, Samtredia, Vani and Bagdati.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization

HumanDoc foundation (Poland)

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On July 13–17, the Fund “Sukhumi” conducted the second training for teachers and school directors of 5 municipalities of Imereti. The training was held in Kobuleti. The topic was “The role of teachers in prevention of domestic violence and protection to the victims”.

The first day Lado Abkhazava worked with the participants. He is the finalist of the Global Teachers Award, the ambassador of the Vark Fund and a winner of a global award. He shared his personal experiences with colleagues.

The training was held with maximal inclusion and activity of the participants.

According to the participants:

- I am leaving the training with full “suitcase” of knowledge and information: I learned about my direct duties, how to identify the problem of violence. And the most important, I met with colleagues from different municipalities.

- I participated in many professional trainings. Here was a special approach, I learned about the practice of different participants, got acquainted with legal issues, received consultations.

- I will share the information and received materials to my colleagues. I think that all teachers should attend such training in order to make proper identification and referring.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization

HumanDoc foundation (Poland)

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On June 15-19, a training for medical staff was held in Kobuleti with participation of 19 women from Tskaltubo, Khoni, Vani, Terjola and Samtredia Municipalities.

The topic of training was: “The role of medical staff in violence prevention and victim protection”. Different issues were discussed during the training, including: violence against women and children, the Istanbul Convention, referral mechanisms, groups of victim identification ...

Participants for the first time attended the training of such format. According to them, this work is relevant and necessary.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization
HumanDoc foundation (Poland)

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“We talked about resources that doctors have to identify violence and will definitely introduce these methods into practice.”

“It was the first time they discussed the reasons of the problems, evaluated their actions, where we behave correctly, and where the behavior is wrong... This will increase the involvement of doctors in victims’ assistance.”

That is how doctors evaluate training.

This was the second training on the topic: “The role of medical staff in prevention of violence and protection of victim”, which was held in Kobuleti June 19-22.

19 persons of medical sphere from five municipalities of Imereti (Bagdati, Khoni, Vani, Terjola, Samtredia) participated in the training.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization
HumanDoc foundation (Poland)

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Fund "Sukhumi" begins to work on a project the goal of which goal is to identify conflict situations that exist in society and their prevention at an early stage. On May 27, a training was held on this topic.

- Collection of information, their systematization, prioritization, risk prediction and their minimalization by gender guidelines - the participants worked on these issues in an individual and group format. The acquired knowledge and skills will soon be reflected in the working process.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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An active audience gathered in school number 8 of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic (in Kutaisi) named after Zhiuli Shartava. There were the representatives of schools, kindergartens, universities, NGOs.

“Peacebuilding, models of war and peace culture”, this was the name of the training that was conducted for them by the trainers of experienced organization, the Union of Teachers “Education and Universe”. The theoretical and practical parts of the training aroused great interest among the audience. Particularly emotional was the exercise “Sculpture” - the presentation of models of peace and war with the help drama elements.

Discussion and feedback were connected with the emotions of sculpture - what is the feeling when you are part of the “war” and what is it like to be part of “peace”. Everyone decided to use this exercise in their work in various forms, and to show the people the negative consequences of the war and the positive results of peace. As noted at the end, the training will contribute to more active involvement of participants in peacekeeping work.

The meeting was held in frames of the activities of the Coalition "Woman and peace". The Coalition included 10 women NGOs from 4 regions of Western Georgia (Imereti, Samegrelo, Guria, Ajaria).

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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On December 15-16, in frames of the joint project of Senaki Municipality and the Fund “Sukhumi” a training on: “Gender budget and civic inclusion programs” was held in Sairme.

Council members reviewed the implementation of Senaki Municipality Action Plan on Gender Equality for 2018–2019, they talked about budget programs in terms of gender, the experience of other municipalities in terms of introducing innovative services. Interesting perspectives were highlighted in terms of implementation of civil budget principles - this will contribute to the greater inclusion of citizens in local government and the implementation of important initiatives.

Two publications of the Fund “Sukhumi” were presented at the training - “Implementation of gender mainstreaming in municipalities” and “Methodology of gender monitoring of the local budget”. According to the participants, these manuals will help them in creating a local gender agenda, in identifying and envisaging the needs of various vulnerable groups.

At the end of the training, participants were awarded with certificates.

It should be noted that the Fund "Sukhumi" and Senaki Municipality Sakrebulo cooperate for many years. During this period, several important and useful projects have been implemented in the municipality.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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Civil forums (in frames of the project “Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 of UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes”) were held in municipalities of Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha and Tskaltubo. During the forum there were created the working groups of ten people. Mainly for these groups that the Fund “Sukhumi” conducted a training session in Sairme on: “National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 of UN Security Council at the level of local municipalities”.

During the training, participants developed their own vision about the importance of localization of Resolution 1325, the tasks and necessary measures by which social protection and economic strengthening of women and IDP girls and other groups affected by the conflict will be realized in their municipalities, as well as the most important – their direct inclusion in the process of localization of the issues related to women, peace and security.

A “road map” was made for each municipality. Activities were identified with the inclusion of self-government, other local groups. According to the participants of the training, the planned work will contribute to enhancing the human security of women and IDPs girls, affected by the conflict, as well as implementation of their rights.

The project is implemented by Coalition Unity - the Association of IDP Women “Consent” (Tbilisi), the Women's Information Center (Tbilisi) and Cultural - Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” (Kutaisi).

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

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