The women initiative group of the village Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality) is working on solution of the problems identified in the community. Absence of garbage bins, which creates a difficult situation, was observed. The group prepared a letter addressed to the Mayor, collected signatures of the residents and started advocating.

Within the framework of the sub-grant of the Fund "Sukhumi", the initiative group of the village Lia, is implementing a project "Youth for a Healthy Ecological Environment". An eco-club was created in school. The children began to work on the activities envisaged by the project.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The cycle of meetings in Zugdidi

The cycle of informational meetings with the voters of Zugdidi municipality continues. The format is mixed again.

Through the efforts of the organization - a member of the women peacemaking coalition “Mercury”, representatives of civil society: internally displaced persons, residents of villages close to the conflict line, representatives of the private sector received information about the online platform introduced by the Fund “Sukhumi”.

The second meeting was held with the youth. They showed interest in the topic of elections and expressed a desire to help older people who are not aware of modern technologies, to use the platform.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

Second Report on Needs Research

New publication is prepared: Second report on needs research: “Assessment of Population Needs in 8 Municipalities of Western Georgia in the Process of Public Administration Reform (PAR) - Consolidated Report” (Georgian and English versions).

The main vector of the research was to determine the benefits of e-services and identify the level of citizens' involvement in the formation of local policy. The first needs research was conducted in April-May 2020, the second - in May-June 2021.

The research included 16 civil society organizations from 8 municipalities of Imereti, Guria and Racha-Lechkhumi regions. These organizations are actively working in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Fruitful years of Terjola working group

During an online meeting of Terjola working group, the results of activities for two years were presented. The members of the group told about the work done, what main issues of the action plan were fulfilled.

First of all, the active cooperation of civil society organizations with local self-government was emphasized, which was not done before.

The most important issue was the introduction of civil budgeting. As a result of the competition, projects for which a tender was announced were accepted. The two project years were quite fruitful for Terjola.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Khoni working group summarized the results of two years of work: strengthening local civil society organizations, registering new organizations, active cooperation of civil and governmental sectors, monitoring of the roadmap for public administration reform, launching of a hotline, updating the municipality's website, improving e-services for self-government, introducing an e-petition, development of a code of ethics ...

This is a great experience and best practice for Khoni municipality.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Zugdidi: meeting with young voters

A regular meeting with young voters was held in Zugdidi, in order to get acquainted with the online application of the Fund "Sukhumi".

Young people chose the format of the discussion, and voiced their own "order" before political parties: "I would like political parties to implement preventive programs to introduce a healthy lifestyle in the municipality", "support youth civic activism", "create spaces for young people in villages", " it would be nice if small businesses for young people would be supported".

The meeting was organized by the project's partner organization Association of IDP Women “Imedi”.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 womens Foundation (Sweden)

First meetings of September

In the first days of September, the organization "Mercury", a member of the coalition "Women for Peace", organized two meetings with the voters of Zugdidi municipality. Due to pandemic restrictions, the format was combined - both online and with small groups of citizens.

The meeting participants received information about the online application introduced by the Fund "Sukhumi". They tried to familiarizes with the rules of its use. There were also those who expressed aggression towards the elections.

Part of participants have lack of information about the programs of the parties, but they are going to participate in the elections and believe that the information received through the platform will help them to make the right choice.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 womens Foundation (Sweden)

“Needs and priorities of IDP and conflict affected women living in Zugdidi municipality and the importance of their integration into local policy” - this is the title of a new Fund “Sukhumi’s” publication. Main conclusions, findings and recommendations identified as a result of the study will be submitted to local political parties. This will facilitate a full-fledged pre-election communication between women and local political actors and strengthen an appropriate feedback of political parties on the needs of their voters.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 womens Foundation (Sweden)

The workshop on drafting a three-year National Action Plan (NAP) for Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security was held.

One of the priorities of the action plan is to localize the plan and promote the active participation of women IDPs, conflict - affected women and local governmental structures in it. The workshop was attended by Ekaterine Gamakharia – the Chairperson of the Fund “Sukhumi” Tbilisi representative office.

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