The forum-theater is especially active in the hot days of July.

The first visit was held in Zugdidi, where young audience actively participated in the scenes and solved the raised problem without violence. The discussion was also interesting. Young people expressed the desire to invite teachers and parents to the performances of the forum-theatre.

The arrival of young actors in Kobuleti was especially impressive. The performances of the forum - theater were shown there for the first time and the audience could not hide their surprise because of this unusual format. It was mentioned that speaking this language is interesting and will make people think...

Ordinary meeting was held with women of different ages in the community of Koki (Zugdidi municipality) in order to familiarize themselves with the "Vote-O-Meter - Voters’ Advise Application".

The participants got acquainted with the essence of the "Vote-O-Meter", as well as with the instructions for filling out the questionnaire. They were particularly interested in the issues of environmental protection, food security and women's participation in budget processes.

Voters have a great interest towards the positions recorded by local political entities on the "Vote-O-Meter" platform.

Meetings in Pakhulani and Lia

  • Tuesday, 13 July 2021
  • 785 times

Meeting of the women's initiative group in Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality) was attended by the majoritarian deputy of the village - Data Kukava. He spoke about municipal programs. He noted that the self-government is going to implement various projects in the community. It was especially important that the deputy listened attentively to the problems raised by the women, expressed his readiness to help the group in the process of advocacy of the problems.

An interesting meeting of the youth initiative group was held in Lia (Tsalenjikha municipality). The team members worked actively to improve the goals and objectives of the project proposal and prepared working versions of two projects that will be presented to the commission. After funding, the young people will start implementing the project.

“My husband violates me almost every day, it’s impossible to stay with him, but I have nowhere to go. Is there any place, where I will be sheltered and saved from this hell? " asks one woman.

The second woman is worried about her neighbor: “Screaming and crying is often heared from the neighbor's house. The husband is a rapist, the wife is unprotected. Can I intervene? What to do? I can't listen to such scenes every day".

All questions - how to be, where to look for a way out, will be really answered here and necessary advice will be given without leaving home.

All this happens online - on the newsite: “Digital Resource Center of the Services for Violence Victims”.

The meeting of khoni working group was held actively. During the meeting, the participants listened to a report on what was done and what they achieved in the municipality: launching a hotline, updating a web page, introducing an electronic petition system, assessing needs, three monitoring of the process of public administration reform. However, there is still much to be done.

Now the working group is working to ensure that the City Council members adopt a document based on the code of ethics. It is also important to determine the days of citizens’ reception in the City Council.

The confidence towards the working group from the side of the representatives of the self-government is worth noting. This is felt at all meetings where members of the City Hall and City Council are actively involved in the discussion of all issues.

During the meeting of Zugdidi women initiative group and Koki/Khurcha women's group (Zugdidi municipality), they discussed the problems that were revealed by the research of gender needs assessment, conducted in the municipality. The women's groups have selected the most actual issues and have planned an advocacy campaign to be carried out together with the local government.

The main issue at the meeting of the youth initiative group of the village Koki (Zugdidi municipality), was to improve the project proposal. During the training, held in Kutaisi, young people studied how to turn an interesting idea into a project. The result is already observed: they have prepared two projects, which will soon be considered by a special commission

At the initiative of the Fund "Sukhumi" representatives of local referral entities:  members of Gender Equality Council, representatives of local self-government and the police gathered at the round table in Senaki. There was a presentation of a research on monitoring of services for victims of violence, conducted by the Fund "Sukhumi".

At the meeting, there was a conversation regarding the situation in the municipality in terms of violence, prevention of violence against women / domestic violence and victims’ protection. The emphasis was placed on cooperation with local structures.

The Women Initiative Group of the Fund "Sukhumi" is working on an advocacy plan in Senaki. Participants discussed the priority of the problems and finally stopped at the topical problem.

According to the content of the problem, group members will try to advocate the problem at local as well as at central levels.

Senaki Youth Initiative Group is involved in the working process, the participants are working on a grant project. Each item in the working versions of the projects was discussed together and the details were clarified. The working process will continue until the project is submitted.

The debates in Ozurgeti were attended by the staff of the City Hall and City Council of the municipality, teachers, representatives of the media, non-governmental organizations, medical sphere and small business.

The meeting discussed the results of the third monitoring and the citizens' needs research of the implementation of the Roadmap for Public Administration Reform (PAR) implemented by the partner organizations “Center for Education and Equality” and the “Young Teachers Union” in Ozurgeti Municipality.

Particular attention was paid to the results of the needs research. There was a discussion about the identified problems, ways of their solution and preventive measures

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