On June 27-29, a training on “Gender Sensitive Local Social Policy” was held in Borjomi.

The training was attended by representatives of 10 municipalities of Western Georgia (Senaki, Zugdidi, Terjola, Tsalenjikha, Kobuleti, Samtredia, Vani, Bagdati, Tkibuli, Chokhatauri). The following issues were discussed: violence against women and domestic violence, as well as gender policy and local gender needs. Practical work – elaboration of model action plan and their presentation was carried out.

On the last day, representatives of Zugdidi, Chokhatauri, Senaki and Bagdati municipalities exchanged the best practices, experience, innovative programs in social directions, as well as in the field of health care, violence prevention and victims assistance.

Meetings of the mixed-type were held with youth groups in June. 5 trainings were held in the first half of the month, the other five - in the second half.

An offline meeting was held in Samtredia - the participants were actively involved in the discussion, role - games.

There was no possibility of such activity, but online trainings with youth groups formed in Senaki, Vani, Terjola and Chokhatauri.

The trainings were interesting for the youth audience. The following topics were discussed: conflict management, reasons of domestic violence and protection mechanisms, types and forms of bullying.

There was a good trend in the groups: participants spoke by their own examples, analyzed situations and made the right conclusions.

How to turn the ideas into reality, how to plan project activities - a training on these issues was held in Kutaisi. It was attended by members of the youth initiative group of Senaki, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Kutaisi, Tskaltubo and Khoni.

After getting acquainted with the theoretical materials, the groups worked on the creation of the project. The information and skills obtained during the training will help the youth group in writing working versions of the project and timely submit them to the competition committee.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

The Forum of civil society organizations was held in Kutaisi.

The meeting was attended by 16 civil society organizations registered in Khoni, Vani, terjola, Bagdati, Lanchkhuti, Ozurgeti, Tsageri and Ambrolauri municipalities.

During the meeting, a small analysis of the results of the second needs assessment research was made according to the municipalities.

The results of the second local needs research were analyzed according the municipalities. A comparison was made with the previous research, to see what dynamics are observed at this stage, what results are obtained and what challenges remain.

It was underlined that information level among the population about public administration reform has increased in all municipalities, accordingly the statistics on the use of e-services has also increased. Working groups set up in 8 municipalities make a great contribution to all this.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The Fund “Sukhumi” actively cooperates with the partner international organization Kvinna till Kvinna to advocate the needs of IDP and conflict affected women and girls.

Project Coordinator Regina welcomes the advocacy initiatives of the Fund, which is identified on a bottom-up basis by women community active groups themselves, using the GREWS, and evidence-based information.

The initiative of the representative of the donor organization to be involved in international advocacy was good.

According her request, a package on the needs of IDP and conflict affected women and girls was prepared, which was based on the meetings in women's communities, research of the Fund in Zugdidi Municipality, and covers  women’s vision regarding the measures needed to address them.

The day rehabilitation center resumed its active work. At the end of May, new groups were composed - one part of women is studying the work with polymer clay, and the second will pass accounting courses.

The experience of the day center has shown its effectiveness. Occupational therapy is very important for women who are the victims of violence. It increases employment prospects. Along with studying the new profession, the beneficiaries have the opportunity to receive psychological and legal consultations and rehabilitation.

The preparation phase of the new component of the project, which envisages the introduction of the online platform "Voter Advice Application" (VAA) to Zugdidi voters, has been completed. The project team will clarify the final details of future activities during the consultations.

A questionnaire, which should be placed on the platform was prepared and agreed with the consultant. The location of the meetings, the target groups was defined, the specifics of the meetings during pandemic restrictions are envisaged.

The Fund “Sukhumi” has gained good experience in introducing similar platform during the parliamentary elections, which will help us in the implementation of the project.

A totally 50 meetings will be held within the framework of the project. The first meetings are scheduled for the end of June. Consultations with political parties will soon begin in order to familiarize them with the platform.

The Fund "Sukhumi" Puppet Theater held two performances in June.

The first performance was held on June 1 - International Children's Day - in the yard of the Fund “Sukhumi” office.

The second one was held on June 20 - International Day of IDPs - in Kutaisi Boulevard.

The audience liked "Turtledove" - a new version of the Georgian fairy tale. Interesting decorations, strange dolls, music, sounds ...

The work of the director Magda Chikhladze and young actors showed good results: joy and interest of small audience, positive evaluation of parents. "Turtledove" teaches children love, friendship, support, tolerance.

Mobilizers of Women Support Centers held information meetings in different communities. The meetings inform the population about the issues related to violence. Participants listen to information: what does the law on domestic violence envisage, whom to address in case of violence, what response mechanisms exist. They get acquainted to victim assistance services.

Meetings were held in Vani, Bagdati, Chokhatauri, Tsalenjikha, Tkibuli municipalities.

Specific cases of violence were identified at informational meetings. The response continues in accordance with the content of the cases, with the involvement of a psychologist and a lawyer of the Fund "Sukhumi".

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