The beginning of a new life

She passed through all stages that accompany domestic violence. She went through all the feelings that at first evoke a sense of protest, then guilt and finally become a part of everyday life.

She does not tell the details. She says that even telling her story also aggravates and makes the pain worse. She just emphasizes that there was a great deal of hopelessness and despair in her life at that time, knowing that with two children it would be even more difficult, she would be an extra burden for everyone. This burden was particularly heavy. She could not rely on anyone ...

This is Salome (name is conditional) from Kobuleti. Her story is very familiar. As if we have read it somewhere, or heard it from someone. This story is a message, another message from people who ask for support from people at the right time and often can not get it...

Salome was able to make a change – she finally folded the painful pages of her life and started a new life:

Salome was able to make a change - the pages of life's hardest story were finally folded and a new life began:

About the website - with another group

  • Thursday, 20 January 2022
  • 562 times

The format of the meetings is to provide information to the participants about the website "Digital Resource Center for Victims of Violence": what was the purpose of creating it, what materials are available, how to help vulnerable groups. Participants are also informed about the use of the Internet.

Such meetings are held regularly with groups of women. The next online information meetings were held with women living in Kobuleti, Bagdati, Zugdidi and Tkibuli municipalities.

The meetings were actively attended by the beneficiaries who used various services within the project. There was a great response to the campaign to help the beneficiaries with technical means. It was mentioned that they have hope that they are not alone and that they will be cared. The conversation also touched upon the rehabilitation center of the organization - the victims of violence pass psychological rehabilitation in the center, which is a serious assistance for them.


The project is implemented with the support the Equality Fund (Canada)

Working on IDP issues is one of the directions of the Women Fund "Sukhumi". A coalition project has been launched in five municipalities of western Georgia. The title of the project is:

Strengthening the capacities of the regional and local administrations in the processes of localization of the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security and enhancing the meaningful participation of IDP and conflict-affected women and youth in those processes.

The aim of the project is to support the development of local government capacity, especially with IDPs and conflict-affected population, to be more actively involved in the localization of the National Action Plan of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 for Women, Peace and Security.

Women Support Centers - Respond to Problems

  • Tuesday, 18 January 2022
  • 441 times

The roof of a house of one family was free of snow, another was given firewood, and the inner roads were cleaned somewhere - these are the results of our work.

Mobilization meetings help to identify the problems that concern women living in different communities. Mobilizers of women support centers are actively responding to the identified problems. The advocacy process goes on with the involvement of local structures, which gives a finished look to the revealed cases.

Information meetings were held in Tsalenjikha, Senaki and Kobuleti Women Support Centers. The list of solved problems included social and infrastructural problems that were solved in time.


Проект осуществляется при поддержке организации Brot

für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Германия)

Active working period of initiative groups

  • Monday, 17 January 2022
  • 554 times

Women initiative groups have an active working period in Koki and Didi Nedzi (Zugdidi Municipality). The members of the group are involved in the research: focus groups and in-depth interviews. The aim of the research is to identify the barriers that hinder the involvement of women in socio-political and economic activities.

Koki Youth Initiative Group has a different agenda. At the ordinary meeting, the lawyer of the Fund "Sukhumi" discussed the topic of "early marriage". Underage marriage is still a problem in Georgia. Besides the fact that early marriage is a human rights violation, it is accompanied by negative consequences for physical and mental health.

The feedback from the group members at the end of the meeting was following:

- The meeting was informative, interesting and important.

- I learned about the risks and methods of punishment after the early marriage.

- It is necessary to hold similar meetings with adults.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

First five meetings

On January 10, work with youth was restarted. A cycle of meetings began and 5 trainings were held.

First five activities of the month: youth empowerment centers operating in the municipalities of Vani, Bagdati, Samtredia, Kobuleti and Tkibuli.

Training topics: gender equality, traditions and stereotypes for the prevention of violence. Ways for conflict resolution.

Students - participants of the meetings - were actively involved in the work process, despite the online format. Teachers also took an active part in Samtredia and Tkibuli. As noted, this work improves the leadership skills of young people, gives them the motivation to do more. The members of the centers have already formed a schedule for the initiated events - how they will apply the acquired knowledge. For independent work, they choose different forms (meeting with peers, preparing a video clip, writing an essay, etc.).

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

“Information is the most powerful tool for solution of any problem, especially when the problem concerns domestic violence”; “The information we received, is important for everyone. We will disseminate it everywhere so that every woman knows what mechanisms exist in terms of women support”, these were the opinions of the participants of the information meetings held on the initiative of the Women Support Centers of Zugdidi, Vani and Bagdati.

According to the participants, informing process contributes to early identification of cases of violence and timely response to them. As a result of the meetings, specific cases were identified and women who are at risk of violence were redirected to a psychologist.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)


Khoni Initiative Groups

  • Wednesday, 12 January 2022
  • 483 times

Khoni Women Initiative Groups are involved in the research process. The first results will appear soon. At the next meetings, the group members discussed the techniques and deadlines for conducting focus groups and in-depth interviews, and identified the categories of respondents. The experience of the group members is a contributing factor to the successful completion of the task.

An information meeting was also held with the members of the youth group. The project lawyer spoke about childrens’ rights and early marriage.

Participants learned about the legal and health risks associated with early marriage.

The meeting turned out to be very interesting and interactive for the young people. They also asked interesting questions and received comprehensive answers.


The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Women Fund "Sukhumi" - such a new organization appeared in the Non-Governmental sector at the end of 2021. The old name - Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” – was left in the past.

The word "success" was mentioned many times at the last meeting of the year.

The overall results and achievements of the organization in 2021 were summarized by the Chairman of the organization - Alla Gamakharia and the Head of Tbilisi Representative Office - Ekaterine Gamakharia, project coordinators, assistants, mobilizers of 10 Women Support Centers.

The past year was difficult, full of challenges, but it was also distinguished by many things:

Successfully completed project in 8 municipalities of Imereti, Guria and Racha-Lechkhumi.

Numerous activities and successful advocacy campaigns at the municipal and national levels

Publications published in frames of various projects

Social Networks