On September 1 the forum theatre conducted 6 performances in the central park of Tskaltubo, among them visitors from Azerbaijan. They got interested in specifics of the forum0theatre, but did not agree with the fact that, there exists violence regarding women.
They often repeated – different kinds of behavior is not considered a s violence, that women should listen and serve to men.
The following day, shows of the forum-theatre were held in Kutaisi, in the youth center “Suliko”. The performances were attended by 13 young people and 7 scenes were shown. The situation was comfortable and cozy. Participants were actively involved in the discussion, they were open, spoke about their stories, which will be used in the scenes of forum-theatre in future.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)