Presentation of expert research in Tbilisi




In the format of the round table, there was held a presentation of expert research in Tbilisi. It was attended by the chairperson of the fund “Sukhumi” Alla Gamakharia. The presentation was attended by the members of government of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic, international organizations and NGOs.


An expert research on the accessibility of social services commissioned by the Czech non-profit organization PeopleInNeed was carried out in the municipalities of Khoni, Tkibuli, Gori and Zugdidi.

The presentation touched upon the review of the system of social services and challenges both at the central and local levels. The meeting briefly reviewed the draft reform on IDPs, highlighted the positive and negative aspects of the reform.

The social project of the PIN is implemented with the financing of the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 

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