Ozurgeti – discussion for initiatives

Ozurgeti Gender Media Center organized a meeting in the Center of Democratic Engagement named: “Discussion for Initiatives”, in which Ozurgeti GAC was involved. The meeting was attended by representatives of local self-government, NGOs, Media and society. The aim of the meeting was to suggest new initiatives and recommendations to the government, which will be envisaged while planning 2016 budget.
As it was noted gender budget is not different budget for men and women, it means envisaging gender aspects in the budget processes. So the Gamgeoba fully realized necessity of implementation of projects, presented by the GAC and allocated financial resources for it.
Gender Advisory Council submitted recommendations and gender policy plan revealed after analysis of sociological research and which was created based on these recommendations. Self-government representatives mentioned that they are ready to discuss any kind of recommendations.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Meeting of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council

Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council gathered on an ordinary meeting. The participants gave corrections and finally approved implementation plan of Kutaisi gender policy, which will be reflected in the nest year local budget. Main part of amendments touched several initiatives and financial issues.
Concrete action plan was elaborated, according which the meetings must be organized with the vice-Mayor and the groups, who participated in composing budget of the City Hall.
Special groups were chosen from the council composition, which will continue meeting-consultations with representatives of the City Hall and Sakrebulo, in order to reflect gender aspects, reflected in documents prepared by the GAC in the local budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Informational meeting in Senaki

Ordinary meeting was held with the IDPs residing in Menji. They have no drinking water for more than a month with the reason of damaging the water pipe. This problem was announced by the fund “Sukhumi” to chairperson of Senaki Sakrebulo – Jumber Lashkarava, who met the IDPs, familiarized with the problems and mentioned that it will be solved soon.
The problem No2 is absence of garbage can. As a result of informational meeting and with involvement of local structures, the problem was solved in some days and the territory of former Sanatorium” was cleaned.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Round table in Batumi

On September 22, in the conference hall of Batumi Sakrebulo a round table was held, organized by the fund “Sukhumi” and Gender Advisory Council. The event was attended by representatives of local self-government, NGOs, the Club of Voter Women of the fund “Sukhumi”, youth and journalists.
Gender Advisory Council presented two year activities and thanked self-government and fund “Sukhumi” for cooperation..it was also mentioned that despite project completion, the council members will continue activities and try to answer gender problems and challenges.
The council familiarized participants with the research results and named the most important problems. Exchange of opinions was held regarding presented recommendations. Council members expressed a will to elaborate gender policy final version in agreement with the society and submit it to Sakrebulo.
It was noted that budget programs are in active phase, so it is the most relevant time for lobbying of most actual issues.   
The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State


Meeting of the GAC in Senaki

The twentieth meeting of Senaki Gender Advisory Council was devoted last steps of gender policy of the town. Different opinions were announced regarding presented recommendation plan with arguments, proving necessity of realization of different tasks.
After active discussion the plan, which includes social, health and educational spheres.
It is planned to submit the plan on nearest meeting of Sakrebulo and lobbying of introducing concrete units of the plan in 2016 budget. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


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