"Harmonious environment for kids" - a small project in Tskaltubo

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"Harmonious environment for kids" – this is the name of the small project of Tskaltubo Women Support Center, which is implemented with the support of the fund “Sukhumi” and the Gender Equality Council of Tskaltubo Municipality.

On April 24, according to the plan, the third training was held. It was attended by managers and teachers of kindergartens of villages: Sakulia, Geguti, Patriketi, Tkachiri, Opschviti, Akhali Sakulia, Gumbrini, Opurchcheti, Rioni and Tskhunkuri of Tskaltubo municipality. They got acquainted with information about gender, violence, bullying, gender stereotypes, preventive mechanisms. And, as they mentioned, this is the beginning of changes in their thinking, approaches, actions ...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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