Personal values, mentality and their impact on domestic conflicts, discussion of this issue caused strict discussions on workshops for the youth in conflictology. The opinions were divided into two: one part thinks that Georgian mentality promotes to development of domestic violence. The argument was the fact that according to mentality, headship in the family is entrusted to the man, and he cannot accept the fact that his rights areabolished - this fear is so strong that all forms of violenceare used.
According to another part of the young people, the mentality is not guilty in everything. Often family members do not know each other, do not respect the values of each other - it promotes to development violence.
Despite the difference of opinion, it was fixed that the meeting of this type contribute to formation of correct thinking in young people and decreasing the risk of family conflicts.
Workshops were held in Khoni, Kutaisi, Poti, attended 41 participants.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)